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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Thank you for sharing, I think we should be able to come up with a better solution. Let me get back with you asap. Thank you.
  2. True, but I also heard that what we consider a fast print and what MB labels as a fast print is completely different, because an Ultimaker works in a different frame of layer heights. A high quality print for an Ultimaker is at 0.06 micron, or maybe even 0,04. Where with a MB it is 0.1micron. Moving over to a fast print, we consider 0.15micron fast (comparable to MB's fast print) and MB uses (not sure about this one..) 0.3micron? So, even though the label appears similar, the actual settings are completely different. It may seem like a MB is faster, but you should not look at the label.. or the plain print time.. but the exact settings selected. Hope this may help!
  3. I would recommend to do a course like this one, and familiarize yourself with 3D CAD modelling.
  4. I have read the other thread and I talked to my colleague. I'll reach out to you on a short notice to get a better understanding of the situation. Thanks for sharing this with us!
  5. Thanks for sharing, I'll also forward this to quality control. Do you know how it could separate? Does it look like the bearing broke or something?
  6. Dan klinkt het alsof je pulleys waarschijnlijk niet goed vast zitten en hij daarom zijn positie verliest. De beweging die je motoren inzetten raakt dan uiteindelijk verloren als de pulleys geen goede grip hebben op de assen.
  7. Ha! Congratulations!! You should be proud, because there usually is a lot of competition! I think those other selections are pretty hard to judge, how do you envision this? This implementation based on likes / preference from the community is pretty straight forward. I have been playing with something like a hall of fame kinda concept, where some users with certain achievements would be featured and like the most popular prints, this could be in different categories and could be manually moderated / curated.
  8. Did you already find out what the sound was?Could you possibly make a recording so we can help diagnose? Great to read the upgrade was easy!
  9. In that case it would be more informative, that is true. Ok, spam it is! And personal spam filter adjusted!
  10. Hi Xeno, I saw this post earlier, and I was on the fence whether I would consider it as spam or not. On one hand, yes. You are obviously right. On the other hand, it could be a new repository which could be interesting to some users so even though there may be some promotion it could also be interesting for some. I was put off by this a little bit after finding out most files needed to be bought. Not that I think that is bad, but I know that is not what a lot of people like to do. What do you think? Spam without a doubt? We could adapt our policy in this regard if necessary. edit; the fact it is printed on a zortrax makes it a weird post on our platform. But for the sake of a potential new platform I looked beyond that.
  11. And in what materials? Do you want to use it to do two different colors or two different materials?
  12. It is not equally clear with all the colors but the green one seems to show a pattern. This could be a sign that one of your axis are bend. Have you done a lot of Atomic Methods for example where your print head was not positioned in the corner?
  13. It depends on a few things, like shape, size and print profile settings. A very small model can not be printed with 24mm³/s, mainly not because there it can not extrude more, but because the filament doesn't have enough time to cool. So two parts of the spectrum should be kept in mind, on one end you have the capacity on how fast it can heat and extrude, on the other end the time plastic usually takes to cool down and get ready for the next layer. Based on this we did the extrusion stress test (something like this) and we reached 24³mm/s with a .8mm nozzle. Which does not mean everything can be 3D printed at this speed. Does this answer your question?
  14. Nice print! Those legs must get tired after carrying that heavy bronze torso all day
  15. Bumping the wall thickness is generally a better idea. Depending on what you want to use your model for, with a thick wall, 2 or 3 lines you often don't even need infill. It is always wise to let the bed cool down, besides the fact it is hard to get off you may be deforming your print because of the warmth which is something you never want I think.
  16. The top picture also looks like it has some under extrusion or something? What are the dark lines? Stringing could be fixed with improving your print profile, perhaps print slightly faster or hotter/colder. When your bowden tube is secured in your printhead with the white tightner and blue horse shoe, is there still any movement possible? Like when you pull it does it move up a little bit? If so this may undermine your retraction settings.
  17. Hi Could you put them next to each other? It looks like only the top is different? How many successful and failed prints have you made? Could it maybe be that your filament spool ran (close to) empty?
  18. Hi LesHall, Thank you for your post. Sounds like you had quite the evening! I understand when you see a problem happening you want to act upon it and fix it, but if you are not sure about the source of the problem or how to fix it you might want to consider reaching out to the forums instead of attempting an intrusive fix. You have found your way to the forums before, so if you are not sure there is a big community of experts right here willing to help you It sounds like you may not needed to open up the feeder, but with Didier tips you will probably be able to put it back together just fine. Make sure to let us know if you need more help! Reading your post, I'm not really confident I understand what caused your problem. I think I understand the wrapping around the main cable got caught up in the bowden tube, but I don't understand how that could happen. Do you happen to have pictures? About cutting your bowden tube, you have to be absolutely sure the end you cut of is perfectly flat. Like |_| Otherwise if heat crawls up your filament may expand and create another clog right there. If you make it too short, the angle will be steep where it has to reach over the frame or in your print head causing friction. The Ultimaker 2+ is a beautiful and reliable machine, but just like anything you need to get to know it and once you do you'll be able to run it 24/7. It probably behaves a little bit different than what you are used to, because well.. it is a different machine but get to know it and I'm sure you'll love it
  19. @nallath also has some knowledge on this I believe
  20. We just published a new company update with some relevant information. Besides some cool updates evolving the Ulti-Evenings and new improvements to the website it also shares some more information about the lead time for Extrusion upgrades. tl;dr: From April 20th on the leadtime will be 4-6 weeks and the upcoming 4 weeks we will ship out all existing orders. We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused! Hopefully having some concrete information will make the wait easier, more so it knowing it will be shipped out soon!
  21. What are you looking to learn? How a 3D printer works or the various things you can do with it? Or perhaps how you can reach its fullest potential through CAD modelling?
  22. @UltiArjan, the robot should be able to walk by itself but modification of the file is allowed as well. I will add this in the rules, and add a link to the step file (I don't have it myself but I will request it). @Titus & @Vince805, the reason for an Ultimaker 2 Extrusion Upgrade is because this and the previous contest is a celebration of this upgrade. After this contest we'll move to more generic prizes. But for now; I am willing to make 6 reels of filament available as an alternative prize if the winner would have an Ultimaker Original. The filament type + color are for the winner to pick; of course it needs to be Ultimaker filaments. Curious to see what you'll come up with!
  23. You suggested to have two things build, upload and insert multiple images. Oh.. I think I just got it. You mean multiple upload in your album.. and multiple insert in a post. Right?
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