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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. ..or maybe over abbey road, or on the moon. Who knows, maybe it does a walk as a part of a Rube Goldberg device. The point is.. they are walking! The next contest is about walking robots, sounds pretty easy eh? Well.. that is where the fun comes in. If you make this robot walk on the most fun, creative, crazy location and make a video recording of it, you might be the next one to win an Ultimaker 2 Extrusion upgrade. We already have the file ready for you. Some tips to get you started: - We recommend to use an M2 bolt for a 1:1 scale print and to add a nut in between the legs to keep them separate. (come on guys, we are all adults here. Stop giggling.) - a 1:1 print robot may need some extra weight just like in the video to get it going. Some practical information: Contest: 3D Print a walking Ulti-bot (or more) and make it walk. Record it and upload it to this thread. Prizes: - an Ultimaker 2 Extrusion Upgrade or 6 reels of filament if you own an Ultimaker Original(+) Time: The contest will run until May 27th 2016 12am CET Rules: - The robot must be printed on an Ultimaker. - Modifying the robot is allowed - Every size is allowed - Every scene is allowed, go out and create your own or use the existing surroundings. BUT, the robot must walk on itself. - Multiple entries are allowed. - The entry which is the most fun, creative, entertaining and impressive wins! - The winner will be determined by a dedicated jury within Ultimaker. Good luck, looking forward seeing all your entries! Fun fact, the movement is based upon this old patent
  2. Hi, welcome to the forums ! Here is a list of subscribers to the community from Hong Kong. Not a lot of active users though.. Hopefully you will be the change HK needs
  3. How are upload and insert different, as they both add multiple images in a post? Good points though. Do all notifications send you to that page, or just those concerning that post?
  4. We should have an update about that tomorrow, thank you for your time and patience!
  5. Have you uploaded pictures before? In your album you should be able to upload them, and from your text editor you should be able import them in your text.
  6. If you don't mind to order in Germany you should also consider to try this: www.dasfilament.de (no, they don't pay me for this message, I am just a notorious money saver ) I have tried 2.85 and 1.75 diameters for several projects and it worked really well. Example (sorry for bad photo quality): Cheers Really nice quality, I'll bookmark their webstore. Now with the Ultimaker 2+ there shouldn't be any problem with using 3mm filament instead of 2.85mm, but with the Ultimaker 2 there were some problems because of the friction and relative low torque. Thank you very much for the info! Well, the inner diameter of the bowden tube is only 3.14mm so with 3mm filament you are stretching it. You have to be sure the feeder doesn't deform it only the slightest, that the diameter is perfect and not a strong curvature that pushes against the bowden. The feeder is pretty strong, but just some things to keep in mind
  7. Have you opened up your feeder to clean the bolt and see if the bolt has not gone through the delrin part which is inside your feeder? If so it could block the delrin wheel which may apply more pressure because it is not rotating anymore.. or maybe only sometimes. Is it Ultimaker filament? Are you sure about a consistent diameter?
  8. Hi Jasmine, What is it you want to learn and what kind of 3D printer do you have? Do you want to educate yourself or a class of children? From what age grade? Looking forward hearing from you!
  9. I would indeed recommend to send an email to your reseller. In the meantime I will try to find out when they will also list all the spare parts. Thank you !
  10. @Titus, have you tried printing it on blue tape? In case if it gets too stuck, you would just rip of some blue tape, and this could maybe be taken off with a file / water / patience.
  11. Thanks, I had that too the other day. A weird work around for me was to scroll down really fast, before it loads.. Even though it may save you time it is a pretty weird work around @Labern, I'll pass this info on to our devs. Maybe they can detect something.
  12. Nice! And thank Let us know where it leads too. And if the design is being adapted or if there is progress make sure to share it with us
  13. Hi Textronics, thank you for your post. If you are experiencing difficulties with your feeder, it could be that this can be prevented by optimizing your print profile. You could start a new topic here with your print profile and description of your workflow and I'm sure we can help you so you can have more of a pleasant experience with your Ultimaker 2.
  14. Care to share which? Do you see like a pattern on time or something? Like at a certain moment there were no notifications or ..? Thanks!
  15. I believe that this controls the fans. It is in the at 1:07And shown in the gif on this page. It is also the first cable being inserted again in this gif.
  16. [update: Cura 2.1.1 now available here] Hi all, Today we're proud to release the Cura 2.1 open beta Download Cura 2.1 here. Find the manual here. Find the troubleshooting pages here. Full release notes Cura has been completely reengineered from the ground up for an even more seamless integration between hardware, software and materials. Together with its intuitive new user interface, it’s now also ready for any future developments. For the beginner Cura makes 3D printing incredibly easy, and for more advanced users, there are over 140 new customizable settings. NEW FEATURES Select Multiple Objects You now have the freedom to select and manipulate multiple objects at the same time. Grouping You can now group objects together to make it easier to manipulate multiple objects. Undo/Redo You can now undo and redo your actions, like moving an object or scaling. Setting Profiles The new GUI allows custom profiles to load easily and intuitively, directly from Cura. 3MF File Loading Support We’re happy to report we now support loading 3MF files. This is a new file format similar to AMF, but freely available. Intuitive Cut-Off Object Bottom We’ve added a feature than allows you to move objects below the build plate. You can either correct a model with a rough bottom, or print only a part of an object. Please note that the implementation greatly differs from the old one where it was a setting. 64-bit Windows Builds An optimized 64-bit Windows Cura version is now available. This allows loading larger model files. Automatic calculations Cura allows to set a number of lines/layers instead of millimeters. The engine automatically calculates the right settings. Per-Object Settings You can now select different profiles for different objects and when in advance mode override individual settings. CURA ENGINE FEATURES Line width settings added per feature Global, Walls, Top/Bottom, Infill, Skirt, Support. Pattern settings improved per feature Top/Bottom, Infill, Support. Shell Alternate Skin Rotation: helps to combat the pillowing problem on top layers. Alternate Extra Wall: for better infill adhesion. Horizontal Expansion: allows to compensate model x,y-size to get a 1:1 result. Travel (Combing) Avoid Printed Parts: while combing, the print head moves around printed parts, avoiding collisions with the nozzle and a part that’s already printed. Support ZigZag: a new, infill type that’s easily breakable, introduced specially for support. Support Roofs: a new sub-feature to reduce scars the support leaves on overhangs. Support Towers: specialized support for tiny overhang areas. Special Modes Surface Mode: this mode will print the surface of the mesh instead of the enclosed volume. This used to be called ‘Only follow mesh surface’. In addition to the ‘surface mode’ and ‘normal’, a ‘both’ mode has now been added. This ensures all closed volumes are printed as normal and all loose geometry as single walls. Experimental Conical Support: a filament cost-reduction feature for support. Draft Shield: prints a 1-layer wall that prevents air from hitting the print, reducing warping. Fuzzy Skin: prints the outer walls with a jittering motion to give your object a diffused finish. Wire Printing: the object is printed with a mid-air / net-like structure, following the mesh surface. The build plate will move up and down during diagonal segments. Though not visible in layer view, you can view the result in other software, such as Repetier Host or http://chilipeppr.com/tinyg. SUPPORTED OS Mac OSX 10.7 or Higher Windows Vista or Higher Ubuntu 14.04 or Higher - Only 64-bit versions Note that Cura requires a video card that supports OpenGL 2 or higher. SUPPORTED 3D PRINTERS By Ultimaker: Ultimaker Original (no dual extrusion support), Ultimaker Original+, Ultimaker 2 Family, Ultimaker 2+ Family. By 3rd parties: BQ Prusa i3, BQ Witbox, 3D Maker Starter, RigidBot, Malyan M180, German RepRap Neo. There is no dual extrusion support in Cura 2.1 yet. Users with an Ultimaker Original who installed the dual extrusion upgrade kit, can use Cura 15.04. OTHER NEW CURA ENGINE SETTINGS Shell Top/Bottom Thickness: can now be changed separately! Extra Skin Wall Count: add extra walls to the top and bottom layers to improve roofs that start on infill material. Remove Overlapping Inner Wall Parts: remove narrow pieces that cause over extrusion on prints. Compensate Wall Overlaps: compensate narrow pieces causing over extrusion on prints. Fill Gaps Between Walls: fills the tiny gaps on narrow prints pieces. Z Seam Alignment: allows you to choose the z-seam location. Ignore Small Z gaps: if unchecked, fixes small Z gaps. Infill Infill Wipe Distance: allows you to increase infill overlap without over extrusion on the shell. Infill Layer Thickness: choose a separate layer thickness for the infill to save time on prints. Material Retraction Extra Prima Amount: allows you to compensate for oozed material after a travel move. Speed Number of Slower Layers: sets the first layer(s) speeds to increase build plate adhesion. Travel Coasting: prevents oozing by replacing the end of print paths with a short travel move. Cooling Regular/Maximum Fan Speed Threshold: Allows you to set the time a layer must take to linearly go from Regular fan speed to Maximum fan speed. Support Stair Step Height: allows the support to lie tightly on top of objects, increasing support stability. Join Distance: allows supports to become one, increasing support stability. Horizontal Expansion: adds extra support to the x,y-directions, increasing support stability. Area Smoothing: smooths the outside contour of support structures to minimize resonation of the print head. QUICK LINKS Download Cura 2.1 here. Find the manual here. Find the troubleshooting pages here.
  17. I don't think it is intended to go without pictures.. I'll ask my colleague who is in contact with Makerpoint to check when the pictures will be added. ..making progress!
  18. Ah yes, you are totally right. Of course. I get quite an amount of information presented a day, so sometimes I need to think twice, or in this case thrice to remember where I read it Ahh ok. So basically you want to grab the condensation from the vaporized water tank? Wouldn't this require a way bigger container than a bottle? How would you grab it? Even though you may not have all the questions yet, by asking them we may become more aware and perhaps someone else who reads it does have an answer I actually don't think they have a forum. I think they are not very fond of communities, as they closed all of them. Have you ever heard of tech for trade?
  19. Thanks for letting me know, I changed the screenshot image so it matches the print orientation better
  20. Thanks, looking forward seeing your results. What do you mean by stuck the nose?
  21. We just launched a new Guide in our Resources section online. It is an upgrade guide on how to install dual fans on your Ultimaker Original. @Neotko has been a great contributor to this guide and he even made a symmetric dual fan shroud that fits your Ultimaker Original. If you are curious, you can find it the Ultimaker Original Dual Fan Upgrade here! In the copy you will see that finding the proper fans can be tricky. We recommend to get a copy of the fans already installed on your Ultimaker because they have beend3v5bfco3dani2.cloudfront.net proven to work, but obviously you are free to explore the realm of fans. If you have other fans that you prefer, I would be curious to know which ones those are and why. Feel free to share them below, so users looking for different fans can have some alternative examples. Through the guide readers can be linked towards this thread. Also, if you have done the upgrade and you have a before and after photo feel free to post it below too! We'll use those photo's to update the Guide and show what a difference two fans can make. Looking forward hearing from you!
  22. Hi Les, thanks for sharing. I believe I read about this recently, perhaps a post you made? Didn't you say something like adding aluminum foil? I didn't quite understand how that worked. Care to explain? About your solution, what will it filter? Dirt, pollution? Did you give it any thought on how your solution would reach those areas?
  23. Hi All, thanks again for all your entries and participating! We were very excited to see all the upgrades and efforts people put into this contest. After reviewing the entries and a short debate it was clear that one entry stood out. It was exactly what we were looking for to see, and besides a great entry it is also a great user case for 3D printing in general! Showing what a good idea and a 3D printer can accomplish. So, with no further ado.. The winner is.. ! Congratulations!! Your entry is a great example of innovation. They say the best ideas are the simplest ones and you have proven this. We are excited to see what you have been able to do for your wife and make dinner a more pleasant and convenient moment in a day. The hackerspace should be happy with a member like yourself I'll send you a DM so we can arrange the final details and we'll send your Extrusion upgrade to you! Also, a special shout out to @Nicolinux (and @UltiArjan's iteration) for designing the wedge. Loved it! Do you want another chance at winning an Extrusion upgrade? We'll start a new contest soon. Stay tuned...
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