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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Release: Teaser: Rumors, thoughts and comments are welcome!
  2. I would still recommend to see if newer firmware is available. Is your Ultimaker 3 connected to the network? If your Ultimaker spent some time at a reseller or in a warehouse, it is possible that a new firmware is released in the time it left our assembly factory, and ended up at your doorstep 280ºC seems on the high side of things, could you try to reduce it to 260ºC? But your radius doesn't seem that bad, does it? I put a ruler over your photo, and they seem pretty straight to me.
  3. What you see here could be a thing called 'elephant feet'; check out this guide for more information Instead of filing, you could make the bottom slightly smaller, this should be pretty consistent and predictable.
  4. We can always try What firmware are you using? It can be that your jerk and acceleration settings are sub-optimal. How tight are your belts? And at what temperature are you printing (print head & bed)?
  5. Do you have a photo of what you mean exactly? Thanks!
  6. Hi @EddieB1985, welcome to our community! They should be compatible. Could you include a screenshot of your Cura settings? Is it possible you are trying to configure PLA to flow through your BB core, and PVA through your AA core? (they should be the other way around).
  7. Thanks @jimbo . Did you print the spoolholders yourself? Was it to save some space or did you not like the original placement?
  8. Do you use default Cura profiles / settings? Can you share a few photo's of your feeder and print head? Thanks!
  9. Hi @Jakeddesign, thanks for sharing your question here, let's see what we can do I'm thinking @gr5 and @ultiarjan may have some good input here as well. In your model, is it consistently oversized in both X and Y dimensions, or does your model turn oval? What version of Cura are you using? I see you changed your filament diameter to 2.88, however I can't imagine that makes any difference for this. Could you share your file as a project with your settings, so we can do a print and determine if we should look at the hardware or software? - what happened when you reduced the outerwall thickness?
  10. @darsan, something I just remembered is that the Ultimaker 3 also its own diagnostics tests. If you go to System > Maintenance > Diagnostics there are various things you can have the machine test and give you feedback about how it is performing. Perhaps also good to know
  11. Did you also check all tips on this page?
  12. Hi Guys, a quick reminder... Next week we are going to start to make the next video where we're going to explain a collection of features of the new Cura quite in depth. (as a reference, find the previous video in this post ). If you want a feature to be explained (ideally from this beta), let us know! (I can't promise we'll include every suggestion but we'll do our best!)
  13. Thanks @tdeweyer , and welcome to our community!
  14. I am not really familiar with Rhino, so here are a few random suggestions; Could it be that in the export you may have missed a setting? Maybe it is not a solid? Are the walls too thin? If you are using Cura 3.2 (latest stable), there is a plugin available called MakePrintable. It provides fixing functionality, which may help you. Not every output from a CAD tool is automatically fit for 3D printing from the start. In Cura I think you would want to set wall thickness to 0.4 (or whatever nozzle size you use) for a single walled object. Why exactly would you want to print it in 1 line?
  15. Ahh, the connection got pulled loose. Good job on fixing it. Yea, there is not a lot of space left. Upside is a very compact machine, downside is well.. what you just had to go through Happy to hear you fixed it, good news!
  16. Hi @NozzleMover , thank you for your message. I am not really familiar with the Orcabot 0.43, but I could imagine that (if it has belts), they are not tight enough so some movement is lost? I am inclined to think the solution lies in calibration of your hardware.
  17. Can you comment about the original request of drawing a line in Cura instead of going block by block? (few posts above)
  18. Like you would have your 'real' model in your CAD, and quickly draft a 'blocking' mesh where you want it and load both in Cura? Sounds like it could work, but it does feel less ..smart. Do you think drawing a line won't be possible? I imagine it will be more difficult, but would it be very different from creating 1 point in the 3D visualization like we can now?
  19. SLA/DLP is similar but use a different projector. It is commonly used for jewelry yes. We also have some user cases of jewelry though, perhaps they can be of inspiration for you. In the end, it really depends on what type of designs (level of intricacy) you will be making.
  20. You can do a lot of wonderful things with an Ultimaker 3, don't get me wrong But such models are very intricate. With 0.25mm I would suggest to start with 0.4mm and see how that works. First it is important to get some practice and get familiar with the technology. What will you be trying to make? End use parts, prototypes, fit testing, molds?
  21. Hi @Ugnele, welcome to our community! With a .4 mm nozzle you can print in a 20 micron resolution in Z (so up), but not in X and Y (left right, back forward). But this is will require some manual tweaking of your print profile so you may need to get some practice first. For this you would need a .25mm nozzle. They are available on both Ultimaker 2+ and Ultimaker 3. However, with this smaller nozzle, it is not recommended to print at 20 micron in Z, because the amount you would be extruding would be so small, you would be borderline under-extruding constantly. @gr5 has 0.1mm nozzles I believe, but if you would be printing items of this delicacy always you may be better off with an SLA printer. Have you given this any consideration already?
  22. That could also be the case yea, good find! It can happen that pulley / belts after continuous robbing could wear through the tubing, but I did not expect it to happen so early. It's also difficult to see it on the photo. Let me know how it goes, good luck!
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