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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. @VULCAN My beard is telling me that you have not read our hourse rules and are pretty offensive to everyone who is trying to help you. Your next comment will decide if you will continue to be able to use this community for future use or will be blocked. Thank you for understanding.
  2. @Giuseppe Nagler You published your post in our 'international/global' part of the forum, where the main language is English. Could you write your next post in English as well? That way everyone can understand it who uses this part of the forums. If your English is not sufficient or if you just prefer to write in Deutsch, we also have a German forum. Feel free to use one/both of the forums for your questions. Thank you for understanding, and I hope to hear more from you!
  3. Hi @shadowfiend , I think it's ok if you would post the link here. Perhaps it would be more informing if you shared some video's separately instead of the full channel (everyone can find that following the video's). And per video perhaps you could give some context. It would also be easier if someone has a question about a video that they can refer to it specifically and Q&A's can stay together. Thank you for sharing with us!
  4. Hi @wight, realize you are responding to a thread last updated close to a year ago, March 2017. Cura 15.X is the version from 2015. Just like that Cura version, the information in this thread may be outdated. I would recommend opening a new thread in Cura if you have any questions!
  5. regarding duplicate posts, it appears it has nothing to do with the rebuilding of 3D prints. It shows it is an artifact of the migration that went overlooked until now. We're looking into what the best approach is to fix them. (an option could be manually. Yikes :p) Regarding your questions about bell / email; I see in your notification preferences you have this configuration: Your existing configuration means you don't get an email, only in your bell. If you change it to active you should start receiving emails about new comments, (should be) once per day by default. In the screen you shared above (manage followed content), you can change the frequency from daily to immediately. I see you have already done this for some content.
  6. also likely yes. Good point!
  7. Side question, where are you based?
  8. Hi 3D@AHF, welcome to our community. The 3D printer itself was crashed on the floor? I can not imagine that it did that from itself honestly. If the print head was covered in PLA, this is most likely the result of a print which got loose from the build plate and got dragged along with the moving print head. Why it got loose? Could be that the bed was dirty, too cold, no adhesive, not level. Do you by chance have a camera in the room where the printer was, to see what happened so it fell on the floor? Would be interesting to see.
  9. Alright, quite a few new posts. Let me see if I can answer them all, make sure to remind me if I miss anything! @nilrog, we're looking into the anchor-thing still. It is clear now that when you log out, it works like it should. On Safari for me (OSX) it also works like it should. It is work in progress at the moment. Re email notifications, I am told that there are other forums with email issues as well. IPboard is looking into it with their developers and it is on their radar. I will continue to share our experiences with them so they have more information to complete the puzzle. @ted_striker , my apologies. I see it, I will reply after writing this message. @geert_2 , what do you mean existing images? Do you use drag and drop or do you select a file? Depending on where you release the drag (in the text field or in the 'attachment' field, it is automatically being uploaded or just attached. When it is attached, it will end up at the bottom of your message IIRC, when you drag it into the text field, it will be shown wherever you drop it. You can double click the attachment to duplicate the photo in your post. What is your workflow? I have noticed once or twice that my textbox was acting weird, I just refreshed the page and it was gone. @zerspaner_gerd , I have to look into this yet. Yesterday we reconverted the 3D prints because we discovered an error there. I'll try to see if this is connected and if so how this can be restored, thank you for bringing it forward! What do you mean you can only follow nilrog? Does the 'follow member' not show on any other users profile? I'm afraid I'm not really sure what it is about that window that you don't get. Could you elaborate? In your notification preference setting you define how you want to receive notifications, email or in the bell. You can also select by default, do you want to follow content automatically when you post there. If so yes, then in what frequency do you want to get an update? (immediately, once per day or once per week). That is default. However, you can also optimize it. For example, normally, once a day you are fine. But this one particular topic, that is SO interesting you want to receive updates immediately. Then, you can configure your settings for that particular topic in the page you have shared. Or, you can go to that topic itself, and change your notification settings there. Both have the same result. You are just on an overview page. Hope this helps!
  10. Was there not a reason why you should not let it cool too cold? I thought so but I seem to have forgotten exactly why.. Secondly, I am not saying this would have changed the outcome significantly, but I think CPE functions better as cleaning filament than PLA, does it not?
  11. Re the bell, I may have influenced which number was shown when I compared notification settings and checked the reason for your notifications, my apologies. They should be visible in the list right, except may not show as new.
  12. @nilrog were all these notifications about new replies? - edit; thanks for sharing. We're looking into it.
  13. But were you suppose to get emails? I am not entirely sure if this post is meant as a 'great, it is working for me' or 'crap, I still don't get emails'. I would appreciate it if you could add your expected behavior to your comment so I know if it needs looking into. Thanks for the cooperation!
  14. can you list which 4 events you received a notification for and which 2 emails you got? Like, notification bell: 1:.. 2:.. 3:.. 4:.. Email: 1:.. 2:..
  15. Fair point @ctbeke ! And, I guess now we are really live! Check out Ultimaker Cura 3.2 if you have not already!
  16. @Msuurmond , something for you to look at?
  17. Hi @Florisvh, was just wondering if any of the tips helped and if you managed to get back to your usual level of quality Let us know if there is anything else we can do to help!
  18. I'm not entirely sure, I can imagine we want to introduce a new feature and first see what the response and feedback is and when it's used and popular we elaborate and expand it. It is likely it will grow in future versions when we continue to receive useful feedback about it.
  19. I mean the type of 3pm which is in 3,5 hours good point though, I'll add the time zone to it.
  20. whoops, I guess I am too fast. Well, SURPRISE people! We will launch Cura 3.2 today! (estimated around 3pm CET)
  21. Thanks to everyone who participated the last 2 weeks with beta testing Cura. Without the feedback we continuously receive, we would not be able to develop Cura as we know it today. When this is the first time you read about Ultimaker Cura 3.2, or if you're just curious about what made it through the beta testing period, let me go over some of the most interesting features. Adaptive layers. The days of a fixed layer size for your entire print are behind us. Adaptive layers offers an alternative where Ultimaker Cura will slice your model with thicker layers where there are straight walls and thinner layers on sloped surfaces. It is up to you to configure within what range of layers Cura can operate. For example, thin layers are maximum 0.06mm and the thicker layers are maximum 0.15mm. This is a great way to maintain a quality good looking print and save time where it is possible. Because the feature is pretty new, it is listed under 'Experimental' but feel free to give it a shot! The 'Layer thickness' color scheme which can be found in 'Layer view' mode. A color map ranging from yellow (thickest) to blue (narrowest) represents the relative thickness of each layer. Tree support. Tree support is an experimental support structure which shares some resemblance with the shape and roots of a tree. It seems to grow organically and multiple ‘branches’ grow towards your model and offer the necessary support. The benefits of this is that you use less support material, costs less time, and because there are fewer contact points it is easier to remove and gives better surface quality. You are able to use tree support in conjunction with other types of support material. Multiple buildplates. By enabling multi-build plate in your preferences a new UI element is added to your workspace. It lets you manage separate build plates with a shared setting in a single session. Using Cura Connect, you can send all build plates straight to your print queue to get it printed. Do note, when you save your buildplate as a project, it only saves the selected buildplate. Faster startup. It may be good to mention that printer definitions are now loaded when you add a printer. Instead of loading all available printers on startup. It enables Ultimaker Cura to have a reduced startup time compared to previous versions. Meshes in per model settings. In custom mode you can now assign different slice settings to different sections of your print by using meshes and per model settings. A mesh can have a few different functions, like: - Normal mode; print mesh as normal - Print as support; mesh will be printed as support material - Don't overlap support with other models; support material will not be generated where the mesh is - Modify settings for overlap with other models; the mesh will be printed where it overlaps with the model - Modify settings for infill of other models; the mesh will be printed as infill in sections that overlap with the model An example: This carabiner is sliced with a cuboid mesh and 'Modify settings for infill of other models' selected. In this example, it had denser infill settings, making a specific part of your print stronger/more rigid than others. Start/end gcode script per extruder. Variables from both extruders in the start and end gcode snippets can now be accessed and edited, creating uniformity between profiles in different slicing environments. View optimization. Quick camera controls have now been revised compared to Ultimaker Cura 3.1. Besides these pretty amazing features, there are quite a few more that you can also find in our blog . We have also fixed many bugs. Thanks again for everyone who helped us test the beta version, and special thanks to @ahoeben for his contributions. Edit: One of our Cura experts made an explanatory video about some of the new features in Ultimaker Cura 3.2. It was originally meant for the Beta, but I still found it very interesting, so I wanted to share it with you anyway. Discussed topics still relate to the stable 3.2. Most likely, we will make a similar video for the next release too. Let us know if this is helpful. We got you curious? Download the new Ultimaker Cura 3.2 and give it a try. If you do, make sure to let us know what you think below Thank you and have a great day!
  22. Re notifications @nilrog, turns out that in this version of our forum software there was a bug. We should have a patch now which fixes it, because indeed the 'send only one message until I revisit' did not work like it should. Could you let me know how it works? - From now on that is. You may have received more notifications already before the patch was applied. Let's take tomorrow and onwards as a test.
  23. Hi @Tomasz_M, those instructions are best retrieved from your reseller to ensure there are no unforeseen problems with hindsight later.
  24. Yea, that looks like it won't work. Sorry for the inconvenience! You may be able to solder it or disassemble the print head, although such actions need to be discussed with your reseller first. It is up to them to decide whether the risk is too big and they prefer to do the repairs themselves, or if you can do it yourself with some guidelines. So I would recommend to reach out to your reseller with this photo and ask if you have permission to repair it and/or how to move forward. Good luck!
  25. On Chrome it seems to behave slightly different depending on if you are being redirected to the latest reply, or if there are more replies below it. At least, that is what it looks like for now. I have several notifications where I end up exactly where I should. Maybe that is why I didn't notice it yet, because it is not fully consistent. (at least, we haven't identified the bug yet). I am using chrome, but I checked with Safari and there all notifications bring me to the right place. I can see your/a username and the timestamp. I have checked new notifications and ones that have more replies. What was it again you are using to view the forum? Safari on a laptop? btw; I'll respond to your feedback re notifications later. There is a pending ticket about it.
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