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Everything posted by peggyb

  1. On the 25th or the 26th of June 2016 a Masterclass XXL printing will be held by Joris van Tubergen at FabCity in Amsterdam. FabCity is a very inspiring temporary location with lots of interesting participants, like the 3d metal printer by MX3D and a 'concrete' printer by BAM/Landscape House. Joris van Tubergen is known for his Z-Unlimited add-on for the Ultimaker and his real size 3d print of an elephant last year. The fee for the 3D masterclass is € 25 for a whole day, with the possibility to buy a role of rPET filament for €20 (value € 36) by Refil. Please feel free to bring your own printer and let us know in your email if you want to be picked up by car (an electrical BMW sponsored by FabCity) at Central station Amsterdam. On sunday you can park for free in the surroundings. At Fabcity it is possible to get some lunch at own expense. You can also order in advance via email through us for only € 5. The lunch is catered by Gascoland (they cook their meals on bio gas from left-over bread) The masterclass will be given in both Duch and English. more information on the website 25th or 26 June 2016 from 10.00-17.00 hours FabCity, Kop van Java Eiland, Amsterdam
  2. yes, this has always been like this, no worries...
  3. klinkt alsof je y verbinding niet goed vast zit, gebruik je een 'belts and pulleys' systeem? controleer dan de piepkleine schroefjes.
  4. can you do a 'home head' on the machine? if it goes to the right front-left height your machine is ok. Otherwise redo the leveling procedure. Did you use the right machine in Cura? Does the preview have the small UM2Go bed (not the UM2 bed size)
  5. and is it possible to make it a zero infill print? Increase the Outline/Perimeter Shells to at least 3. I find that the infill is making a lot of travel moves where it can ruin things. Doing only shells makes the print cleaner in moves.
  6. I have a strange issue: it happened twice already and still to find out what triggers it... The build size is off, much to low for the specific printer, yesterday it was my UMO HB and this morning the UM2Go. The only way to get rid of this is to delete the machine and add it again.
  7. I have a strange issue: it happened twice already and still to find out what triggers it... The build size is off, much to low for the specific printer, yesterday it was my UMO HB and this morning the UM2Go. The only way to get rid if this is to delete the machine and add it again.
  8. Don't want to know the exact numbers.. There is a difference between designing and producing... Designing and prototyping is the fun part and producing is the 'boring' part, but there is definitely a challenge in that as well Although it must be satisfying to see the amounts coming out of the printer for a reason. Great job!
  9. looks really good!! how many do/did you have to print?
  10. when i want to add an image to a reply, the last (13) photo's of my album are not visible. Hovering over the empty space lights up a faded blue square with the text, so I have to remember the name or number of the photo to select something. Safari 9.0.3
  11. the 'extruder' is a syringe attached with a wire to the extruder motor. the turning of the motor makes the syringe 'push'. I don't think these settings are right for you. but it shows that changing paramaters can make it work.
  12. looks like you are using a delta printer, I am using a Ultimaker Original so maybe some things work different...... these where settings I used for choco paste and played with them until the extrusion was right. To acces the sart and end code you will have to use cure in Reprap style, which you probably already have??
  13. for glue stick or wood glue just rinse with (warm) water
  14. also tighten the grub screws on the pulleys, all 12 http://support.3dverkstan.se/article/23-a-visual-ultimaker-troubleshooting-guide#shifted
  15. ....and walking around! having there moment of fame, I always wonder where these 'gifts' end up.... storage, garbage..... Jet Bussemaker, Minister of Education, Culture and Science Eberhard van der Laan, Mayor of Amsterdam
  16. Is it possible that you use no temperature? If so, you need to add a M302 command to allow for cold extrusion.
  17. Tomorrow is the official opening of FabCity / Europe by People http://europebypeople.nl/fabcity-2/ where I will be working for the next 11 weeks. Already printed a lot for this occasion: the Mayor of Amsterdam and the Minister of Education, Culture and Science are receiving a 'chain of office', printed in recycled PET (Refil). Printed halve of the links flat, solo and the other halve on the side with a pause. In the pause 2 links were added and a printed 'bridge' to fill the gap. A bit of tape on top of the bridge releases the freshly printed upper part of the link. Printed with 3 printers in 3 days, print time about 32 hours in total.
  18. the burning happens because nylon is very 'sticky', if you have little blobs from travel or retraction, they will stick to the nozzle and get caught, burn, in are deposited in another spot. Try to tape the (large) brim to the bed with ductape or so, right after the brim is finished. As long there is no air underneath the brim, it will hold. Don't push to hard on the bed when applying the tape, because yours layers will be deformed.
  19. check if the fan underneath the electronics board is running. It can loose steps when they overheat, usually in the first few layers, it makes a strange sound also. It maybe not your issue, but its just an idea..
  20. what do you want to scan? how much can you spent on it? maybe @ultiarjan can tell you more about the Fuel3D.. scanners like Kinect+Skanect, Structure Sensor work oke-ish for people/faces and objects from about 50 cm with a distance from about 50+ cm. Don't expect much detail. For better detail the David SLS works very good, but not for people (motion/hair) and this scans in the range of 3 cm up to 60cm objects. Remember that scanning is perfect for organic shapes and not so good for straight objects.
  21. in the expert settings is a section "cool' you can set the layer where the fan needs to start running 100% I had some noise on my fans at first, but I think this was due to the folding of the metal fans. Bending them a bit open (sides not touching the rest) the noise disappeared.
  22. set the 'first layer height' to 0.15 or something in that range instead of the standard 0.3.
  23. you should also change your 'first layer height'! this one is set to 0.3 mm and that is way too much for a 0.25 nozzle!
  24. change the 'overhang angle' to 0 or 90
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