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Everything posted by gr5

  1. Yes! This feature already exists in cura. There's many ways to implement this - all quite similar. So this video explains it pretty well but... the GUI has changed a little bit. It's still pretty similar so I think you can easily figure out how to do the same thing with the latest version of Cura:
  2. 1) Do you have a delta printer? Only delta printers have origin at center. There is a little XYZ red/blue/green arrow thing to show you where the origin is on the build plate. Where is that located in Cura for you? 2) Which OS do you use the most and use Cura on the most (easier for people to answer about one operating system and then you can apply info similarly to others)?
  3. Did you save the project file for that print? Please print something much smaller - maybe a 20 minute print that does this. Please save the project file for every print you do until this is figured out. Then when you have both a photo of the problem and also the exact project file for that print then please post the photo and the project file together so we can look at all of your settings (over 500 settings) and it will include your printer (machine) settings as well and your model (sometimes it's related to the model). To save the project file go to menu "file" "save project...". Anytime I slice anything I always save the project file - I use project files for the reason that other people use profiles. I don't use profiles.
  4. yes and also thebelin's code just a few posts above. You can change his M3 and M5 to the appropriate codes for your particular machine.
  5. Send a direct message to @ctbeke - he can probably help you. We are getting beyond my understanding here so I will probably say something untrue but there is something I believe called "ultimaker essentials" maybe? Or some paid service where typically a business pays some money to Ultimaker. Part of that service limits what plugins you can use (so that Ultimaker can concentrate on testing thoroughly fewer plugins maybe? Or maybe so a business can choose to limit which plugins are available to the Ultimaker users there?). I'm guessing that you work at a company that has this service (possibly even at a different facility where you work) or for some reason Ultimaker thinks you do.
  6. Even for someone who just knows a tiny bit of programming, this isn't a hard project. Follow the links. Look at the code. Understand it. Then write your own "post processing" plugin/extension.
  7. Contact fbrc8 about this. There is some kind of bulletin within Ultimaker - something to do with these different types of feeders on the S5. Possibly some feeders mislabelled? Not sure but contact fbrc8. They are really really good and by now should be familiar with any potential, newly discovered issues.
  8. Well burtoogle/smartavionics (same person) wrote many of the bridge settings and the ones he didn't write, he is very familiar with. He is not active on this forum so I'd go to his github page and create an "issue" (you have to create a free github account to do this) and then post your request - I'd post everything you say above onto his issue page and he might add the feature you seek. WAIT - the feature you want appears to be in cura already: bridge skin density So it looks like if you set flow to 75% and density to 133% you will get the same thing as if you set the line width to 0.3mm (assuming your normal line width is 0.4mm).
  9. I've never done this but somehow cura transfers the materials to the printer. I think there are at least 3 ways to transfer the material - you can try to print something sliced with the material (3 ways to do that - USB flash, cura connect, digital factory) and that should transfer the material. Also if you restart Cura and connect to the printer through the internet I believe it transfers all materials at that moment as well. So you could start a print and than cancel it before it starts (or when it complains you have the wrong material loaded) and at that point it should now know about 316L.
  10. Changing line width to 0.3 is very similar to setting flow to 75%. If you go to the "experimental" section of settings and check enable bridge settings, now you have many more choices including bridge skin flow. I see that it defaults to 60% which isn't much different than the 75% you liked. The difference is that if you were able to change line with it would also put the lines 0.3 apart whereas with flow at 75% the lines are still 0.4 apart (but 0.3mm "wide").
  11. 1) In cura go to "marketplace" in the upper right corner and choose the center tab (materials) and then BASF and then scroll down to ultrafuse 316L and click "install" and when done restart cura. Is that what you meant by you "downloaded" it? 2) In cura go to PREVIEW mode and near the top click on either left or right core (doesn't matter which) and it pops up a dialog and *there* choose the left core and change the core to "CC 0.6" and change the material to "basf ultrafuse 316L quality", "basf ultrafuse 316L quality". 3) Click on left or right core again near top and uncheck the "enable" box for the right core. 4) Open your STL file in cura and, if you haven't already done this in CAD, select your model, choose the scale tool on the left, uncheck "uniform scaling" and scale the X,Y by one factor and Z by another (see advice from basf for scale factors). Slice it. 5) After printing I believe you leave all support material attached. That comes off after annealing I think.
  12. Yikes! If you had retract on layer change turned on then that is definitely the problem! That was the very first answer above. I had a profile (a less used profile, from ultimaker - they fixed it after a few years) with that turned on and got the same thing as shown in the picture back on page 1. If you mean it already is disabled then definitely don't turn it on. Maybe you should include a photo of your issue. Many people say "I have the exact same thing" but when I see a picture I realize it looks similar but is completely different.
  13. Oh - well then in that case, contact ultimaker directly. I'm not certain but I think you might be able to do that by going to support.ultimaker.com and click "submit a request" in the top right corner.
  14. Yes you should talk to burtoogle. He is inactive on this forum but he is responsive on his github account. I'd repost what you say above onto a github issue (you have to have a github account but they are free). He created the many of the "experimental" bridging features. Maybe post something more specific that shows the bug in bridging - post at least a much simpler STL file that shows the problem -- with normal bridging the area to be covered only has walls part way around that you bridge between. But with "skin over sparse infill bridging", there are walls all the way around so the algorithm was possibly never written to handle which walls to pick - not sure. https://github.com/smartavionics/Cura
  15. This is one of the great features of the UM2. You choose material on the printer, not in cura. So you can slice once and then print the same mode with different types of materials without having to reslice. The printer itself modifieds a few settings based on the material: bed temp, nozzle temp, fan multiplier, filament diameter (and I think a few more but I forget). I have a set of parts that I print in PLA in the winter and using nGen in the summer. So this feature is handy for me. But most people probably don't take advantage of this capability of the UM2.
  16. It's definitely supported and also there are many 3rd party resellers for upgrades, repairs and so on. I would call it a "mature" product - not "obsolete". I have 4 UM2s, a UM3, an S5. All are actively used. All work great.
  17. issue #1 may cause problems. Or it might not. You can tell when you slice it and look at it in "preview" mode. There may be some things missing (not printed) next to the red areas. you are going to have much more serious issues. The red in the second picture is going to need support. Well maybe not the piano lid - but that might be too thin to print. Maybe you should post your project file so other's can take a look at your model and your settings. I would probably print the 3 legs and pedals separately and print the piano bottom flat on the print bed. But with holes in it for the legs to stick in and glue in. If you do that then the lid might not need any support - or just a few columns half way up the piano cover to keep the cover from wobbling too much while you print.
  18. set support horizontal expansion to zero. Usually, that is very useful when printing PVA but not in this particular model.
  19. 99% of the time, there is a problem with the model (the STL file). Cura has an amazing plugin to test your model to see if something is wrong with it and can repair a very few of the many potential problems: In the upper right corner of Cura click "marketplace" and make sure you are on the "plugins" tab and install "Mesh Tools". Then restart Cura. Now right click on your model, choose "mesh tools" and first choose "check mesh", then "fix model normals" and "fix simple holes" to see if that helps. Cura doesn't fix most issues so...
  20. This is an extremely common question and the answer is extremely simple. I've seen this question dozens of times. Go to left side of screen in PREPARE mode. Click on your printer, then do "manage printers" then "machine settings", Uncheck "origin at center". Also check the dimensions of your bed - for example, if it says your bed is 100mm wide but it is actually 200mm wide then it will be printing on the left half of your print bed.
  21. In 3d printing, if your support material is the same as your printing material then, that's pretty normal - supports do not come off easily and they will leave a scar behind. Which you can sand or file off if you want but it's a lot of work. However if you have a water soluble support material (or "breakaway" support) then support should come off easily.
  22. Or you could increase the infill amount? Or use "gradual infill" feature where you increase the infill just a few layers below the "top skin" layers. "gradual infill" takes some experimenting (all in prepare mode - no need to print the part until you've mastered the settings), but can be quite powerfull.
  23. Only one program can access the USB port at a time. I'm guessing you need to close the "Silhouette software" and then hopefully Cura will see the printer.
  24. So coincidentally I just learned something this week about these feeders. And I already forgot what I learned except you really really need to contact your reseller. There's some complexity with the 2 different feeder wheels and the 4 different feeder circuit boards that can cause errors if you don't do it "properly". And if your reseller isn't familiar with this issue they need to contact Ultimaker about it. There is some bulletin or something I think that explains in great detail what works and what doesn't work and how to fix it and so on.
  25. By the way I recommend deleting those saved profiles for *all* versions of cura because when you first launch cura if the folder is missing I believe it looks at older versions of cura and tries to convert the older custom profiles and such.
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