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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. Member. Good to know you got it to work.
  2. I think you have a misunderstanding what a "global" quality profile is. In Cura there are settings that are configured per extruder (which includes most material-specific settings) and settings that can not be varied per extruder. So if you have a dual extrusion printer, there are three profiles in play; one for each extruder, and a global one. A global profile can not exist without extruder profiles, and they are linked by the "quality_type". There can only be a single global profile for each "quality_type". If you want to have multiple profiles show up in Cura with the same "quality_type", you have to use "quality_changes" profiles instead of "quality" profiles, like the ones you make from within Cura.
  3. What guide, for what printer model? Could you post a link? (Most of us providing help here are not Ultimaker employees, and we don't know all guides by heart). I think the 14 mm is approximate (though I agree it is a weirdly specific number, which is why I would like to see/read the context so I may be able to explain).
  4. That is not an error. You can add a Non-networked printer in that same dialog. The networked printer options only work for Ultimaker printers. That is an error. I looked up your laptop, and it seems to have an integrated Intel HD Graphics 4000 GPU. This should be enough to let Cura run, albeit not fully featured. However, when asking your system if it can use OpenGL, your system says "no" to Cura. This is indicative of a problem with the GPU driver. What GPU driver do you have installed? It could be that Intel has a newer driver (even if it is not specific to your laptop, it probably works).
  5. It looks like Cura LE is still running, and the installer cannot overwrite files that are currently in use.
  6. Thanks @Mlogue9 for highlighting a bug in the Linear Advance plugin. I will fix it for the next release of that plugin.
  7. I am sorry, that is not a project. Please use the File -> Save project... menu option, not the File -> Export... menu option
  8. Het idee bij de Ultimaker 2 was om één G-code bestand te maken wat dan door op de printer het materiaal in te stellen met diverse materialen kon worden geprint. Dat betekent dat de printer (en niet Cura) de controle heeft over deze instellingen. Als je toch volledige controle wilt hebben over de materialen in Cura (en dus de instellingen op de printer wilt negeren), dan kan je in de "Machine Settings" de G-code flavor op "Marlin" zetten ipv "Ultimaker 2". Je printer zal dan wel 'klagen' dat de g-code de instellingen op de printer negeert als je de print start.
  9. Not without altering the generated gcode. Cura will generally allow only a single Z position within a single layer, and no overlaps between layers. The only exception is spiralized printing ("vase mode"), but that only gives you a single wall.
  10. The Chitubox incompatibility is the most common cause of this issue. Since you don't have that application installed, we are going to have to diagnose other reasons for Cura crashing. First off, please upload and post a link to the Cura.log file, which can be found via Help -> Show configuration folder...
  11. Have you read this? https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/4402996140946-Ultimaker-Cura-crashes-when-opening-any-file
  12. You could have a look at the "Mark2 for Ultimaker2" definition, which basically does want you want to do but for the Ultimaker 2+ instead of the Ender3. You'll see that it "inherits" from the Ultimaker 2+ definition, references two extruder definitions (which both need to exist!), and also overrides some settings.
  13. You are going to have to accept that Ultimaker is the company that pays for the development of Cura, and they put development time into things that are relevant to their customers. For recent Ultimaker printers (ie: anything from the past 5 years), adding an extruder is not really an option. So Cura was engineered from the ground up with the idea that the printer definition provides a maximum number of extruders the printer supports. This has nothing to do with handholding, but with setting up an architecture for Cura that fits with the needs of Ultimaker printers. I know that in theory you can mod an Ultimaker 2+ with a second extruder, but the number of people who will do that is so small that it is not interesting for Ultimaker to cater for that. They figure that if you have the skill to mod your hardware, you can also find out how to create a printer profile for your now non-stock printer.
  14. There's a plugin for it. It is not available in the Marketplace, but you can read about it here:
  15. This is correct, as explained here: https://github.com/fieldOfView/Cura-ZOffsetPlugin If this approach (which is fast and efficient since it only needs to add a couple of lines to the beginning of the G-code file) does not work for your or your firmware, then there is the "Extensive processing" option that actually goes through the whole G-code file and changes all the Z values.
  16. See Extesions -> Post Processing -> Modify G-code Then add a "Change at Z" script, and specify what you want to change at what layer or height.
  17. A curapackage is only needed if you want to easily have others install the plugin, by dropping the curapackge into the Cura viewport.
  18. Z-seam is a bit of a misnomer. If you do what you suggest, you still get a seam, where the toolpath goes from the outer wall to the inner wall.
  19. If you are developing on Windows, the easiest way to get started is to just use the normal Cura and create your plugins in your configuration folder (see Help -> Show configuration folder). Start with a plugin that is somewhat in the general direction of what you want to do and learn from its code. There's documentation here, and some example plugins here.
  20. That image is "/resources/themes/cura-light/images/logo.svg". I see that you are working on a theme of your own. If you have done the proper thing and made a new theme (as opposed to hacking the existing theme), then you should just be able to add a folder named "images" to your theme folder and put a new "logo.svg" in that.
  21. In the bottom of the viewport, there is a horizontal slider. You can "play back" the path that the nozzle will take while laying down the layer.
  22. Perhaps you should ask Sunlu for an answer? They are giving you (and Cura) incomplete information, by only giving you a .curaprofile. All I can give you as an answer is that they want you to add a "Custom FFF Printer", enter the right dimensions, and then in the Profiles pane of the preferences import the .curaprofile (with the "Import" button). Where to get the dimensions for the Custom FFF Printer, only Sunlu knows.
  23. You don't have to disable anything in Python. Can you try unchecking the "Automatically discover local OctoPrint instances" checkbox at the bottom of the Connect to OctoPrint dialog?
  24. What is the resolution of the laptop display? It could be that - depending on the OS - Cura cannot open because it is requesting a window size that is too large for your display (if you have an old laptop).
  25. This is not something that is generally advisable. G-code files are very machine-specific (and material-specific).
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