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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. When you first started Cura, it asked you to add a printer. You had an option for a networked printer (which you don't have) or a non-networked printer. When you chose the non-networked printer, Cura showed you a list of models, with Ultimaker models listed on top. Many people don't noticed that list is scrollable with many, MANY other printer models listed as well. You added an Ultimaker printer (likely the Ultimaker S5). Ultimaker S5 printers use the UFP file format instead of gcode. So where to go now? Go to Preferences -> Configure Cura, and open the "Printers" pane. On that pane, choose "Add" to add a new printer. Pick non-networked, and scroll down the list, opening the "Other" category and finding a printer model that is at least close to what you actually have (you did not mention your printer model). After adding that new printer, you can Remove the one you added before.
  2. Not so strange, because you use 2.85mm filament printers, and OP uses 1.75mm filament printers. All those materials are only shown for 1.75mm filament printers. Doing things in the configuration folder (appdata) will not change the materials that ship with Cura. I guess at some point you removed materials from the Cura 4.10 program files. These are all restored when you install a new version (or reinstall the same version). The Start Optimiser plugin in the Marketplace has an option to remove all the preset materials except the "Generic" ones. Doing that should survive a reinstall of the application.
  3. It looks like you have a smart plug configured in OctoPrint. Could you tell me what plugin you use for that? It looks like that plugin has changed how it stores its data, and my code is not robust against that.
  4. Generally speaking, all the sections on that top bar "do something" when clicked.
  5. Ultimaker printers don't though. So implementing your request has no benefit for Ultimaker. So it would likely come down to community members or manufacturers of bed slinging printers to come foreward and contribute this.
  6. Click on or near the small pencil in the bar along the top of the window.
  7. You can also diagnose this in Cura, using X Ray view: The X Ray view (left) shows that the model has an internal subdivision right where you are getting the extra walls. The generation of the extra walls is probably caused by a rounding issue of coordinates in the model. Interestingly the model check in the MeshTools plugin does catch the issue with the model, though Cura itself does not.
  8. It looks like they may be part of the model. Can you save a project (File -> Save project...) so we can check out both the model and your settings?
  9. Kun je proberen als Cura wél opstart de optie "Restore window position on start" in de General preferences uit te zetten?
  10. It is collapsible. See the little down-arrow next to where it says "Compatibility mode".
  11. Thanks for testing! Could you try this development snapshot instead? The v7.0.0 in the filename refers to the SDK version, not the plugin version.
  12. Sorry, I can't get it to work either. I don't know why; it should work.
  13. Out of the box, I don't think there is a way to do this. You could do this by manually editing a profile cfg file. Or you could create a postprocessing script that does the multiplication.
  14. You may want to try decreasing the value for "Maximum Arc Radius" to something like 1000.
  15. Now that you've manually edited the configuration folder, I recommend that you just start over one last time. There are still files in the configuration that confuse Cura. The best way to start with a fully clean slate is to remove *all* the files from the 4.8 folder, but leave the empty 4.8 folder in place. If you just remove the 4.8 folder, Cura may import the configuration files from an older version of Cura (eg 4.7), and you may be stuck with broken files again from the start.
  16. I have not tested this yet, but you could try removing the file named "SV01.global.cfg" from the "machine_instances" folder of that configuration folder.
  17. Please zip up the whole configuration folder and post it here as well. There's something strange going on.
  18. Something is going wrong. Cura should not ask you to create a add a new printer every time; it should remember the one you added last time. So we need to find out what is going wrong. See https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/#logging-issues
  19. See https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/#logging-issues
  20. It will let you set that value in Cura, instead of having your firmware decide.
  21. That model has very few curves. Please try - as I suggested - a cylinder. Then we'll be able to see very quickly if the firmware you use has support for arc commands.
  22. In physics, jerk (or jolt) is the rate at which an object's acceleration changes over time. Acceleration is the rate at which speed changes over time. Speed is the rate at which position changes over time. In 3d printing the position and speed are what you would expect from physics, but acceleration and jerk are subtly different. Acceleration is loosely defined as the speed increase (so it is defined as a speed in m/s, not m/s2). Jerk is similarly defined as the speed at which the aforementioned "acceleration" can change (also defined in m/s, not m/s3). TL;DR: The rate at which acceleration can change.
  23. The addPreference method has to be run each time Cura starts, before you access the preference with getValue/setValue. Saving the preference values to file is done automatically. You don't have to tell Cura to do so. If you use setValue to set the preference to its default value, the value may be remove from the cura.cfg file. But since you must specify that default on each startup of Cura with the addPreference method, this works fine; if there is no value in cura.cfg, then the default value is used.
  24. It looks like you have the "Origin at center" options set in the Machine Settings (see the Printers pane of the Preferences). That option should NOT be checked for your printer.
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