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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. @Nicolinux: Do you always print without the filament guide of Robert's feeder?
  2. Can't find anything especially unusual. z layer heights are in the correct order. However, Cura tries to make some infill for the thin walls which starts in the second half of the base layers. This is not very nice. You will also see the combing lines.
  3. A search function which actually finds the posts I'm looking for?
  4. The 12mm were related to retraction distance, not minimum travel distance... most probably something between 3.5 and 5 mm... Manual extrusion before a print is fine, I also do this, but quite slowly... just get a steady flow out of the nozzle.... I'm not an ABS expert. That means I cannot comment on effects due to standing and heated ABS filament. But if you can avoid it I would...
  5. Weil der Zweite garantiert nicht auf den Print hinuntertropft während der Erste druckt und umgekehrt.
  6. I guess you're talking about Cura 15.09.8x. Actually, no postprocessing script should be activated by default. However, if you go to Extensions -> Post Processing -> Modify Gcode you get the dialog of the post processing plugin. If you have any postproc scripts activated (in the right column) deactivate them by clicking the 'x'. Maybe you give us some more details about which postproc script you actually mean, 'Pause at height' or 'TweakAtZ'? Please also confirm the Cura version you're referring to. Thanks.
  7. Is the dependence you found only between brands or also between different colors of the same brand?
  8. Das entspricht etwa den Resultaten, welche ich mit dem Dual-Extrusion UMO erreichen konnte. Inzwischen bin ich fest davon überzeugt, dass nur ein Setup mit zwei Druckköpfen ein wirklich überzeugendes Resultat liefern kann. Ein solches Setup wurde ja von @ultiarjan schon für den UM2 realisiert.
  9. Is it possible you post the generated gcode somewhere (don't post it here as text, please)? If you cannot post the whole gcode, maybe the first few layers?
  10. As I never used a hand torch for cleaning parts I can only give you some remarks on your first question. As I see, you really exchanged the whole hotend. I assume you made sure that everything is mounted properly. That should exclude a clog higher up in the hotend, e.g. between nozzle and barrel. Are you using any retraction length larger than 12mm? Do you use any kind of dust filter for the filament entering the Bowden tube? If not, you may want to try this; I strongly recommend it. Is the Bowden tube clean and clear? If you see traces of usage on the inside, you may want to replace it. If you want to clean the Bowden tube, you may use a pipe cleaning wire, dry or with some smoke-free oil on it to get a bit of lubrication. I hope any of these remarks might help you.
  11. Hard to see if it is leaking at all but if it does as you describe it, you should get a replacement... are you in contact with the dealer you bought it from?
  12. The forum is now almost as good as the old one. You can now start improving it...
  13. @chin: That link does not remove all 'unread' markers for me (I'm on Firefox 41.0.1 on Win 8.1). Not even after reloading the page... :( I did not mean an auto-update of a certain topic... what I meant was this: I use the 'topics' view on the forum main page. Then I see a topic with unread posts which interests me. I click on the 'x unread' link and read the posts. Then I want to got back to the topic view of the main page in order to read the next unread posts which interest me. If I use the back button of my browser the just read topic is still marked having unread posts. edit: just found out about the 'mark all read' link: it works only in categories view...
  14. Don't have that problem. But I use the pure stuff only (PLA without PHA). Cheers! Translated: Maybe this is different for different filament brands?
  15. Great to have the 'unread' possibility back. There is one thing missing to perfection: A possibility to return to the page you selected the unread post from with having that page updated for the now newly read posts... btw: What should the 'mark as read' link do on top right? Used it and nothing was marked read...?
  16. Der linke und der rechte Lüfter müssen gleichzeitig laufen; alles andere weist auf ein Verkabelungsproblem wie weiter oben beschrieben hin (oder einen defekten Lüfter).
  17. For sure a ball screw makes the maintenance life easier. I had a ball screw on my UMO. In the meantime I replaced it with a HBK as my UM2 (ok, I have to admit: with an Olsson Block) prints even better with the standard screw.
  18. You should check if the pt100 is showing the correct temperature and you should make sure pt100 and the heater are fully put into the Olsson block (as indicated in the instructions on the 3dSolex website).
  19. Naja, wir helfen Dir, den Fehler zu finden... von der Arbeit befreien wir Dich natürlich nicht... Also der GCODE sieht soweit gut aus und es müsste etrudieren. Funktioniert der Materialvorschub denn bei beiden Feedern nicht? Es könnte natürlich auch ein Bug in der Firmware sein; die UM2-Firmware für Dualextrusion ist so gut wie ungetestet...
  20. Vielleicht stellst Du mal ein generiertes GCODE File zur Verfügung? (Aber bitte nicht hier den ganzen GCode posten, die Schmerzgrenze liegt bei ca. 30 Zeilen... ) Dann wird vielleicht das Problem sichtbar. Ich nehme mal an, mit einem Extruder lief der UM2 schon. Es gibt kaum jemanden, der eine Dualextrusion beim UM2 realisiert hat (jedenfalls nicht im deutschsprachigen Bereich). Vermutlich wirst Du auch nicht soviel Freude daran haben (Ultimaker hatte guten Grund, die Dual-Extrusion offiziell nicht zu bringen). Auf jeden Fall empfehle ich Dir einen Brim, sonst wirst Du garantiert mit der jeweils unbenutzten Extruderdüse ein angefangenes Froschbein umhauen.
  21. so should I change anything to my S3D retraction settings in your opinion? The settings are fine for a good print quality. You may play around if the sound still bothers you.
  22. Shorter retract distances decreases the sound, changing the retract speed changes the frequency... for the retract distance: you might get oozing on the lower end; same goes for the speed plus there you might get a skipping feeder motor on the upper end.
  23. Hmm... an office desk usually does not resonate... I guess you will have to live with the retraction sound. btw: what retraction speed have you set? This one changes the sound...
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