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Everything posted by tinkergnome

  1. Die Beleuchtung lässt sich per gcode M42 steuern, zusätzliche Hardware braucht es dafür nicht. M42 S0 ;LED aus M42 S128 ;LED 50% M42 S255 ;LED 100% Mit dem Custom Control Editor müssten sich passende Schalter in Octoprint hinzufügen lassen (damit hab ich aber keine Erfahrung).
  2. The PTFE coupler is a consumable and has a limited lifetime. This would be my first bet. Some details: https://ultimakernasupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004429006-When-Should-Parts-Be-Replaced-
  3. found it: A factory reset marks the stored settings as invalid and loads the default values (at least that is how it is intended to work 🙂). The runtime statistics are preserved.
  4. The intention is to compare the pointer with zero, does it work, if you change it like this? return (index < MAX_MACHINE_SETTINGS) ? settings[index]!=0 : false; But i think, the whole function is not used at all - you can probably just delete it... 🙂
  5. I think, the "Merge Models" function in Cura is useful in this case: https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011738340-How-to-merge-and-group-models-in-Ultimaker-Cura
  6. I'm not sure, i think that's simply how the CuraEngine lays down the paths. If it's possible at all, the "print thin walls" feature may influence this (dunno 🤷‍♂️).
  7. What's the value of "Retraction Minimum Travel"?
  8. How do you send the request to the printer? Does it work if you test the request on http://<ip address>/docs/api/ ?
  9. Wenn die Düse frei ist, hätte ich eher den PTFE-Coupler in Verdacht. Das ist ein Verschleißteil und muss regelmäßig erneuert werden. Wieviele Druckstunden hat der schon hinter sich? Der Bowden-Schlauch kann natürlich auch verdrecken/verschleißen und dann wird die Reibung zu hoch. Aber der lässt sich ja relativ einfach abnehmen und säubern/testen/austauschen. Hier sind ein paar Details dazu: https://ultimakernasupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004429006-When-Should-Parts-Be-Replaced- ...und hier gibt es eine Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung zur Kontrolle/Austausch vom PTFE-Coupler: https://ultimakernasupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004324223-Printhead-Parts-Ultimaker-2-#PTFE Coupler
  10. No Ultimaker printer uses 1600 steps/mm for any "original" extruder - and what the heck is an UM3+ ??? Perhaps you should start over and explain at first what exact (type of) printer you're talking about...and where did you get it? Do you have pictures?
  11. Hopefully a closed (solid) cube and not with the thin walls actually modeled? Cura will always generate two passes along the walls in case of the latter. This would not produce comparable results, you need extrusions with a single pass for this kind of calibration.
  12. I don't think that is possible at all. How have you done that? The only relevant places are the JSON-files in /usr/share/griffin/griffin and the "override file" in /var/lib/griffin (if present). 9066.json belongs to the UM3 and 9511.json to the UM3 extended - both inherit the default steps from um3.json. I don't know which file is changed by the Bondtech update tool. 5.2.11 is the current firmware for the UM3 (AFAIK), so that part should be fine. If in doubt, make a copy of both folders (with WinSCP or a similar tool) and upload it here (as a compressed zip-file).
  13. How do you change the flow rate in Cura? I guess a few more explanations / screenshots or the saved project file would be of great help. There are a dozen (or so) flow settings in Cura...
  14. als Projekt speichern geht nur hiermit. Ist der Menüpunkt nicht vorhanden oder funktioniert das nicht richtig?
  15. Das ist nur ein 3D-Modell, keine Projektdatei. Eindeutig ein hoffnungsloser Fall... 😃
  16. It highly depends on the (kind of) firmware the printer uses. "Pause at height" uses the command "M0" to do the actual pause and "Filament Change" inserts "M600". If the printer does not support these commands it will ignore them (in the best case) or it will perform something completely different (in the worst case). There's no standard for gcodes, but if the firmware type is known, one can at least make well-founded assumptions. Sometimes it even depends on the firmware version or how it is configured. There are additional pause scripts for Repetier and RepRap firmware which are using different commands. There are printers with (in-build) menu-driven functions to assist filament change during pause, while others don't allow it, and so on. Your chances of qualified answers are much higher, if you tell us the printer model and/or the installed firmware(-version). If you use a printing host like Repetier or Octoprint another layer of complexity is added. So this would be interesting as well. Good luck!
  17. The script has always behaved like this as far as i can see (at least since 2018). As soon as there is a non-zero value for "retraction" it adds these back and forth things 🤷‍♂️ You can check the complete history on GitHub: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/blob/master/plugins/PostProcessingPlugin/scripts/PauseAtHeight.py
  18. not quite, sorry... 🙂 There's no need to overwrite the operating system, rather it's essential for running an app... 😁 Here are some basics about AppImages: https://docs.appimage.org/user-guide/run-appimages.html
  19. There are at least the extruder definitions missing, take a look at the Cura wiki: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/wiki/Definition-Files-Explained Most probably there are a few version numbers that have to be updated as well. The log file (cura.log) will list those errors that prevent the definition to show up. The location of the log file is explained in the readme file.
  20. G1 F200 E20 G1 E-2 because the e-axis moves (slowly) from E=20 to E=-2 (22mm backwards) Those are absolute coordinates like set with M82 a few lines above. Here is a quite comprehensive gcode overview: https://reprap.org/wiki/G-code
  21. Looks like "combing" moves. Check the combing settings (section "Travel"). Set combing mode to "not in skin" or switch it off. And check the travel moves in the Cura preview, moves with retraction are light blue. No need to waste material.
  22. In addition I would place the tower closer to the printed object to avoid such long travel moves in between.
  23. You probably use the printer definition "Creality Ender-3" - not the "....Pro" The definition for the Ender 3 has "disallowed areas" - displayed in grey on the build platform: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/blob/master/resources/definitions/creality_ender3.def.json#L15 A definition for Ender-3 Pro was added just a few days ago, it may be officially provided with the next Cura version (dunno).
  24. Yep - the file is damaged somehow. It contains non-ASCII characters - blame the SD card! 🧐
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