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Everything posted by tinkergnome

  1. Nur ein anderer "GCode Flavor". Das kann in den "Machine Settings" umgestellt werden. Muss man natürlich nicht machen, ich wollte nur darauf hinweisen, das es eine wachsende Anzahl Benutzer gibt, die das umgestellt haben und damit Temperaturen und Retracts nur noch in Cura einstellen und die Materialeinstellungen am Drucker nicht mehr benutzen. ...und wer das so gemacht hat, merkt von dem Fehler erstmal nichts, weil die entsprechende Funktion der Firmware gar nicht mehr verwendet wird.
  2. Some steps are done by the firmware, if the print was started from the sdcard. These are usually not in the gcode. If you add it generally, the home command (e.g.) would work, if you print via USB, but would be executed twice if you start the same gcode from sdcard. I use this for "After print job completes" and "After print job is cancelled": ;disable all heaters M104 S0 T0 M104 S0 T1 M140 S0 G90 ;use absolute coordinates G92 E11.0 G1 E0 F1500 ;end-of-print-retract T0 G1 X23 Y200 F10800 ; move printhead away G28 ; disable motors M84 ; disable fan M106 S0
  3. Ein paar ähnliche Meldungen sind inzwischen schon aufgetaucht, aber: diese Auswirkungen hat der Fehler nur bei GCode-Flavor "Ultimaker" (bzw. "UltiGCode"). Alle, die das inzwischen auf "Marlin" umgestellt haben, merken nichts davon. Es gibt vielleicht auch gar nicht so viele Nutzer, die regelmäßig Firmware-Updates machen - wie man sieht, ist diese Strategie gar nicht so schlecht...
  4. I added two things to the "After print is finished"-script, retract the filament a bit (additional 11 mm as "end-of-print-retraction") and home all axis. I think Octoprint does this not automatically - in opposite to the firmware if you print from sdcard.
  5. @Glomby I can state that i never used something else than Octoprint (resp. OctoPi) with the Mark2. There's no limitation, it works just fine. I would start with completely empty "GCODE Scripts", you can change it later if you have a need. Are you able to send commands to the printer via the terminal? Octoprint writes log-files, perhaps you can find some hints there?
  6. i only know the keyword "VPN", but have no own experiences: https://community.ultimaker.com/topic/20357-internet-connection-to-printer/ https://community.ultimaker.com/topic/17474-um3-remote-monitoring-raspberry-pi-vpn-tutorial/
  7. But only in the same network, or one needs some kind of VPN, right?
  8. Naja, dafür ist die Anzahl beim UM2+ 90 und beim UM3 nur 25. Das sind (pro mm) immer noch doppelt so viele erlaubte Retractions, aber der Unterschied ist nicht ganz so groß. Vielleicht vertragen die print cores Retractions besser als der UM2 Extruder (aber das ist geraten).
  9. Das wäre mir neu... wer hat das denn gesagt? Außer ein paar Kommentaren hat sich seit Ende Mai 2017 an der Firmware nichts mehr geändert, es gibt also vermutlich in den "Release Notes" nichts zu berichten. Ich würde eher nach dem Datum schauen. Die neueste UM2+ Firmware ohne diesen Fehler müsste aus 04/2017 sein. Evtl. auch 02/2017, dann wurde für Cura 2.5 gar keine neue Version kompiliert (das kommt auch gelegentlich vor). Firmware und Cura sind im Grunde nicht voneinander abhängig, da kannst Du alle Versionen verwenden. Der Drucker kommt auch ganz ohne Cura prima zurecht.
  10. Electrically - yes. If it fits into the heater block, you can go for it.
  11. Dann ist es leicht - pack die Firmware von Cura 2.5 wieder drauf. Der Fehler wurde Mitte 2017 eingebaut und offenbar bis jetzt noch nicht wieder korrigiert. Ich hatte das auf GitHub damals kommentiert (nach unten scrollen), und hier steht auch noch etwas dazu. Zum Update braucht der Arduino ein RESET, das schließt die SD-Card Methode aus..., das geht nur über USB und den bootloader oder ein externes Programmiergerät (aber das wäre wohl noch deutlich umständlicher... )
  12. I doubt it... looks like there are a lot of additonal components between the sensor and the input pin... did i mentioned already that i have no clue about electronics...? Google says, the instrumentation amplifier is there to maintain dc precision and gain accuracy within a noisy environment - whatever that means...
  13. Dear Mr. VULCAN, Please realize that you are talking to a community of users here, not to your paid support staff. I understand that you asked a question and you don't like our answers. No one guarantees and no one awaits an immediate solution to his very specific problem here. But the community tried at least to figure out what you're talking about. And as far as i can see is Mr. VULCAN the only person here that is uncivil all the time. And now: please go away and ask someone else. End of message.
  14. mea culpa, wrong topic... But you can experiment with both settings anyway and check what happens.
  15. Die exportierte Datei aus Cura ist dafür gedacht, sich mit anderen Cura-Benutzern auszutauschen (unabhängig vom ausgewählten Drucker). Mit den Materialeinstellungen vom Ultimaker 2 hat das nichts zu tun, das ist eine komplett separate Baustelle. Eine interessante Idee war's trotzdem..
  16. Just an idea: Perhaps it is possible to change the according setting for material diameter instead. This has the same effect (change of the extruded volume) and should be stored together with the material.
  17. Do you use the PID mode for the build plate? I heard that this generates a lot more electrical 'noise' than the 'bang-bang' mode and i wonder, if the flickering is related to this? If so, can you switch the PID mode off and check, if it makes a difference? In addition: during dual prints the power supply is working at it limits, perhaps there's a small voltage drop now and then that can cause the display jittering? Another test: try to reduce the value for the 'Total budget' in Preferences -> Power budget and check if it makes a difference. I think the PID auto tuning is pretty useless in it's current implementation. It doesn't matter if you start it on the printer or via a serial console. Perhaps you'll get better results if you preheat the nozzle to a temperature near the target temperature before you start the auto-tuning. The defaults have changed for the UM2+ (35W) heaters: p 12.00 i 0.75 d 55.00 I would start with these and tune it manually, if necessary.
  18. It's tries to print a skirt with the second extruder. I see that support is enabled (but apparently not needed?)), which one is the "Support Extruder"?
  19. Great, if you cannot make the model solid, do what @gr5 suggested first. Set the line width in Cura to 0.25mm or lower and you will get 0.4mm walls (made of two lines). CuraEngine always generates one (outer) line per shell, that's just how it is designed.
  20. @killerb77 gr5 is right, that's the calculation i talked about. @gr5 I changed the speed constants for the material load/unload wizard from mm/s to steps/sec a while ago. The actual speed depends on the steps/mm setting now. The idea is to ensure, that the wizard can be used with different motors/feeders/steps without the need to recompile the firmware with different speed constants. For example: * the UM2 firmware uses 282 steps/mm and 100 mm/s (= 28200 steps/s) * the UM2+ uses 369 steps/mm and 80 mm/s (= 29520 steps/s) I've chosen a value of 26500 steps/sec. That's a value that should be easily achievable with the given combination of Arduino and stepper driver. I don't know why it's necessary to reduce it to such a low value for the bondtech feeder. A similar thing is done with the acceleration. In short: it's exclusively used for the material change wizard (which you probably don't use anymore, right?)
  21. Which slicer do you use? Cura? Do you have - by any chance - the second extruder selected as "Build Plate Adhesion Extruder"?
  22. AFAIK it was never different. Cura (and any other slicer that i know) uses it's own flow setting to calculate the volume of the used material (the moves of the e-axis). The "Flow" setting on the printer is completely independent and works in addition to that. The slicer does not generate any M221 commands (extrusion multiplier) into the gcode. If you really want that, you can put it in the start script.
  23. All examples that i have seen so far are using the 'K factor' only, so M900 K{material_linear_advance_factor} should be sufficient. http://marlinfw.org/docs/features/lin_advance.html#setting-the-k-factor-for-production But i also found a note that for Cura an additional "M900 W[width] H[height] D[diam]" works better. And layer height, filament diameter, and extrusion width are already known. Should be possible. https://mattshub.com/2017/10/02/linear-advance/ (search for "One small note")
  24. Yep, precise. Marlin 1.1.x uses G-code M900 for the 'linear advance' feature.
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