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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. hooray for the public knowledge! Here is a post from a little while ago where some asks the same thing, with a link to older firmware versions: Is the one you need among these? Are you sure it is firmware related? Did you make a print prior to the update which was fine, and after the update it started to under extrude?
  2. Ha @PeerKaan, welkom in de community! Heb je misschien een foto van de 1e laag die je print? Misschien wordt je 1e laag iets te hard in de blauwe tape geperst waardoor je print er moeilijk vanaf komt. Je zou kunnen proberen je bed iets lager af te stellen zodat er iets meer ruimte tussen je nozzle en bouwplaat zit.
  3. @slspencer looking forward seeing your entries! And I'm happy to hear the example set was helpful. I also think they're pretty good. Depending on your choice of vehicles you want to submit, you could add some more details to your designs or leave some out. As long as it's reliable to print. Here is another tip from our example set, in case you might miss it: If you look at the wheels, they look perfectly normal and round from the (out)side, but if you enable X-Ray view in Cura you can see that we've actually worked around the overhang by adding slopes. Just one of the possibilities to make them easier to print. Looking forward to the entries! ?
  4. @Alex L , fyi; just uploaded the set above!
  5. It's Monday June 18, which means we are open for entries! The vehicle theme will last for 3 weeks. After vehicles, we'll introduce a new theme. (Clue; it's going to be people). @slspencer , in terms of guidelines, make sure there is a stable footprint. See my example about the rims in the wheels in the vehicles. It is recommended to upload your models in a 1:100 scale, that makes it easy to up or downscale to your project's size. Try not to make any details smaller than 1mm. This may become a problem on a smaller scale and may compromise the reliability. By default we have set 45º as an angle where Cura initiates support material. So try to keep it below that angle, no support=better. And as a free tip; sets based on real-life examples are probably most wanted ? Edit: As Ultimaker we also made an example entourage set, to be used freely as inspiration, reference or for any projects you're working on. Every vehicle can be printed reliably on its side. Scale is 1:100 and the design is simple enough for a single extrusion 3D printer. Download: Ultimaker example Entourage - Vehicles.zip
  6. Cool! ? Any type of printer, it doesn't need to be an Ultimaker. Our goal is to help architects by making a library available of useful entourage sets that they can use reliably for there scaled models. The most 'basic' would be a single extrusion printer, so that is what I would recommend focussing on. That is why the design for 3D printing is important too, so you can start 3D printing a set without any worries.
  7. haha, een man van het volk he ? Als het goed is zou je dus via de USB je firmware goed moeten kunnen uploaden zonder wifi. Klopt het dat de bestanden die je downloade de extensies hebben die ik beschreef? Je kwam inderdaad op een oudere pagina terecht, en we zijn er meteen mee aan de slag gegaan. Er is geen specifieke Ultimaker 3 Extended manual, ik denk ook niet dat die er specifiek geweest is aangezien instructies identiek zijn aan die van de Ultimaker 3. Deze pagina zou de juiste instructies moeten bevatten. Fijn weekend Kees!
  8. Hi @Brulti, in the forum post mentioning this survey I wrote that this error message is unfortunately an inevitable technicality. It has to do with a configuration, but the submissions come in just fine. Our apologies if it was not clear. Hope you had a great day. And thank you for filling out the survey... twice! ?
  9. Ha Kees, bedankt voor je bericht. Als ik het goed begrijp probeer je de firmware via een USB te installeren, correct? Je hebt gelijk dat er wat onduidelijke instructies staan, dit heb ik doorgegeven en worden zsm aangepast. Wat je moet doen is deze beide bestanden downloaden, (.tar.xz en .tar.xz.sig), beide direct op je USB zetten (dus je hoeft ze niet uit te pakken) en dan op je Ultimaker System > Maintenance > Update firmware. Succes!
  10. Nice test print! What material is it made off? Does it withstand a tug or will it easily break? It's quite a funny view to see a collection of vases and things and just 2 seemingly random butts amongst them ?
  11. Hey @KickahaOta, thank you for your feedback. That is true, unfortunately, an inevitable technical 'flaw'. The survey's come in fine. I'll add an extra note about it in the original post so there should be no confusion. (or as little as possible anyway)
  12. Hi, As you know we're always working on Cura and we always try to make it a better fit with your daily routines. We talk a lot to our customers but sometimes it's better to straight up ask a few questions and let everyone talk who has something to say. That is why we created a little survey, to find out how you work with Ultimaker Cura. With the findings, we hope to improve the usability. You can find the survey here, and will take like 1 or 2 minutes to fill out. Thank you for your time, if you have any questions feel free to ask! Edit; at the end you may see an 'error:2T252/2' in a small font, this is unfortunately a technical inevitability, but your form will come in just fine!
  13. Really nice, excellent print! How did you end up with those numbers, was it purely trial and error, or did you use a certain formula as a starting point / rule of thumb?
  14. Interesting, in what industry are you active? What build material will you be using, PLA? If you use warm circulating water that is probably the best you can do. You could speed up the process by manually breaking away strands of PVA before you put it in water, if your model allows it. If your model allows it, you can even print regular support made out of PLA, and only the support interface (a few layers separating the support from the model) from PVA. Only a few layers will need to dissolve then. This is probably only possible with external support structures though.
  15. Hi, what kind of support are you using? Is it PLA-PLA or do you use BreakAway or PVA?
  16. exciting times! Looking forward hearing about your unboxing experiences and first prints! @ShaunP , sounds like a big step up! What do you plan to use the Ultimaker S5 for mostly?
  17. Hi, usually you'll be able to find the release notes in the blog section. This time I believe the improvement was relatively small so no special blogpost was dedicated to it. The most important thing that was added was the Tough PLA profile for the Ultimaker 3 series ? It's a good idea the changelog extension, we're thinking about it. But at the moment it only shares Cura changelogs. Hope this helps!
  18. Hi, if you browse through the plugins via 'toolbox' you can find the MakePrintable tool which repairs models ?
  19. I understand that @Stefania Dinea is a huge fan of glue so I would say yes. A small drop of glue to position a person on the street is a small sacrifice for a fast and reliable print. So I would think if you would go for a drop of glue, the base may not be necessary, but that would be totally up to you. Glue wouldn't kick you out of the competition for sure ?
  20. Hope so, I hope the contest is fun enough to win a nice prize, but the submissions/entries are not too demanding to participate. As always, I'm open to feedback! ?
  21. profiles are also not default, didn't think it should matter but perhaps good to check (change to default)
  22. Hi @JohnG, exciting, your first multi color print? In layerview you should also see 2 colors, if each extruder you have selected for each model has a different color in it. Have you selected the right color for each extruder? Perhaps a screenshot of your view might help! ? Here is an example:
  23. Ok, here is your badge. Will you also be on the forums more now? ?
  24. Ha Kevin, Zie afbeelding. Ik heb in tinkercad 2 modellen gemaakt, en cilinder die in een vierkant past. Ik selecteer eerst de cilinder en die export ik terwijl ze in elkaar steken, en daarna selecteer ik het vierkant en doe ik het zelfde. Dan laad ik beide STL's in Cura: Als ik ze dan merge, ziet het er zo uit: Succes!
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