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Everything posted by nallath

  1. Some kind of serial connector, but there are USB ports left (and those are easily extended), so adding a USB camera should work.
  2. Daww :( The leds were like the main reason to get started with the API. I mean; 50 boxes that can do a single RGB pixel will look frigging amazing (and is probably the most expensive 5 x 10 display out there...)
  3. Some guy made an upgrade kit for the UM2 so you can do SLA prints. It's a pretty hacky setup, but the results impressed me. That being said; There is a whole world of new engineering problems that you encounter when going from FDM to SLA. Even when only looking on my "little" island of engineering (Slicing), there are major differences. Certain things would be a lot easier (No supports!) where others would be a lot harder (leaving a hole so the powder can flow from the print).
  4. We could have added a different camera, but it would have increased the price even more. Besides that, we use a pretty standard camera port, so upgrading it shouldn't be that big of an issue right
  5. I do like the approach due to it's simplicty, but it doesn't solve the problem entirely. How would you tell Cura to print certain supports that are not touching the build plate in this way (and others that are touching the buildplate, but also inside the area to be not printed?)
  6. Ultimaker official? I don't think so. Adding it to Cura? Most likely. I hereby promise to help getting it in Cura once the time is there.
  7. Yeah I agree. I focused more on getting the initial structure right and not so much on consistent reporting.
  8. The different feeder shouldn't matter. So selecting a um2+ should work just fine.
  9. Did you use 2.1 definitions? We had to do multiple changes to make em work.
  10. I'm fairly happy with how the API turned out. I'm also quite curious as to what people will do with it.
  11. There is always a pre-defined filament diameter. Every setting must have a default within Cura.
  12. Cura uses the ?action=snapshot but does use 8080.
  13. No. Shouldn't be that hard to add that though.
  14. See the release notes. There is still one known issue.
  15. Custom machines need to be migrated by hand. Sorry. All machines that were contributed to the Cura repo have been upgraded (even the non-UM ones, because we had to break API and we're nice like that!) Note that 2.3.0 still has one known issue; If you want an easy way to make your nozzle sizes visible; select the UM2+ and use that. As long as you don't do a firmware update using that, everything works just fine.
  16. Not at the moment. It could be possible to do this in the future. Yes Not at the moment. Yep
  17. Don't worry. There are people working on putting back manual jogging & control of the printer both on USB and through the network connection of the UM3.
  18. I've already poked one of our hardware engineers about this. As far as I know (I'm just a software guy, so don't pin me down on this) it should be possible to back-port the um3 bed to the UM2. If there is a lot of interest for this, we could have a serious look at this.
  19. Get does not requite auth. Post/Put always require it. There is no way to disable it. Not sure if we ever will (it's kinda a security risk...)
  20. You don't need SSH acces for that. There is a nice REST API that spits out json files that hold all this data (and allows you to POST/PUT new data).
  21. It's not that we don't want to make one, but it will be; a. Extremely expensive per upgrade. b. Hard to install c. Cost a ton of development (making a. even more expensive)
  22. Insider joke. We use mythical creatures for work titles for projects. This one kinda stuck. Not sure. But the printer has a REST-full API that allows you to do it. This also resulted in the quire infamous disco.py script that made all the printers at the UM HQ go into party mode (Don't worry, now you can't do it without authentication anymore)
  23. Not really. The PrintCore actually has a memory chip, which also saves the last material used. We haven't implemented the feature yet, but we can figure out what purging steps to take when switching between say ABS and PLA. I don't see a real need to buy multiple build-cores for all your materials.
  24. This machine is targeting professionals. You are completely right as to other hackers/ makers already doing it. But the point in getting 3D printing to the next level is not so much being able to do something once (With or without a healthy dose of duc-tape and tie-wraps), but to do it consistantly and reliably. Thats what mid and high end professionals need. That is the reason for the UM3.
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