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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. a bit... the understatement of the month... :-(
  2. you may increase the shell thickness to a value which is larger than half of the largest x/y-dimension of your print.
  3. Du meinst den zweiten Freitag... sprich Samstag... ;-)
  4. OK. I have a very first version of the UM2 pause feature running on the UM1. It requires that firmware retraction is enabled, brings the 'M601' command with it and still has a small bug that the display is blank for some seconds. And it leads to underextrusion after resuming as the nozzle is still oozing a bit during the pause. This could be compensated with the additonal un-retraction length of the firmware retraction. Both bed and hotend are kept on temperature. The x/y/z-steppers are blocked for the predefined time (60s), the e-steppers are free. Any comments so far? If someone want's to play lab bunny, you're welcome (I would need your configuration.h and configuration_adv.h). But be warned, it's a B.R.A.T.P.-O.S. version... (yep, I just invented that abbreviation... it means BE READY AT THE POWER-OFF SWITCH). edit: A well-known man at UM just reminded me that the switch filament option in Marlin (I think it's not switched on by default) does about the same what the UM2 pause feature does. So you may try this with the standard Marlin code from ErikZalm. edit2: I managed to avoid that the steppers for x/y/z are released.
  5. Ultimaker Original, Robert! As if you never played with such a machine...!!! :lol:
  6. http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/6034-newbie/&do=findComment&comment=55395
  7. Interesting idea with the auto-clean... :-P however, I just wondered how this could be achieved without the mechanism requiring a lot of maintenance itself...
  8. Oops, sorry... :oops: I should check what other people have really written before writing just some nonsense... :roll: To my defense: We have 34°C today... B) @David Ganon: So there is still hope...
  9. A stronger fan might increase the heat transferred by convection.Usually the amount of heat transferred into air is quite limited. So a stronger fan might not help very much, but it would certainly make the printer louder.
  10. Daid made some tests a few months ago for having the outer shell drawn in smaller layers and then the inner shell and the infill with significantly larger layer height. However, he decided not to implement this feature. So, if you want this feature, you would have to write it yourself...
  11. You may write a Cura plugin which increases the speed / reduces flow just for the support material.
  12. Uhm... you're right. The firmware included in Cura 14.06 is still the same as four months ago. As Daid updated the Ultimaker branch of the firmware I was assuming he would also include it in Cura 14.06. I was partially wrong. He updated just the version with the heated bed kit. You might try https://github.com/daid/Cura/raw/SteamEngine/resources/firmware/MarlinUltimaker-250000.hex. Seems to be 4 months old but may include the change of the Ulticontroller sound.
  13. As we are already on the more desperate side of the ideas, you may try to reduce the friction of the screws by adding carefully some WD40 or similar... maybe you then have the chance to get it out with one of the previously tried methods...
  14. But then you would probably not recognise it as a desk...
  15. The Ulticontroller doesn't have its own firmware; it's part of Marlin. It should be less annoying with the present firmware (default firmware on e.g. Cura 14.06). Otherwise you can use marlinbuilder.robotfuzz.com or even compile your own version which will allow for any (or no) sound you like.
  16. After having read you OP again I see what might be the point. You refer to the number 100 on your Ulticontroller. It means 100% of the speed set in Cura. The speed on the Ulticontroller is always relative to the speed you set in Cura. You cannot change the speed in mm/s on the Ulticontroller. Does this solve your 'issue'?
  17. There is Cura 14.06 since yesterday, so no need anymore to work with a release candidate.
  18. Check your minimum speed in the Cura expert settings. Is it set to 100mm/s?
  19. Up to now, unfortunately yes. See http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/4879-pause-function-for-um1-compared-to-um2-with-cura-1403/
  20. First thing to check is the layer view in Cura. If you see the steps there too it's a slicing issue and you probably use Cura 14.03. If you say lowering speed to 70mm/s, what speed have you printed normally and at what layer height. If it is 0.2mm or even higher at speed 70mm/s then I would strongly recommend to lower the speed significantly as fluctuations in the flow are more likely at such high material flow (e.g. 0.2mm (layer height) x 0.4mm (nozzle size) * 70mm/s =5.6mm^3/s is rather high). It seems to me you try to print some kind of four legged animal with standard Cura support. If you haven't yet, you may try Meshmixer support; you'll have much less troubles with removing the support and will need lesse material.
  21. If it's inhomogeneities in the filament then you probably can't. This is why I decided to stop buying noname filament and just go for quality filament about which I read positive things here in the forum. Even then not every filament might work out for everybody. Do you have some Faberdashery left with which you could run a test print to cross-check it's still getting you reasonable print quality?
  22. Usually heaters like yours run with 12v or 24v. The fact that 18v is mentioned signals that 24v might not be a good idea. However, 18v psu are rare...
  23. What's wrong with it? Mine looked exactly the same... never had a problem with it.
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