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Everything posted by DidierKlein

  1. Hello Sorry not a lot of time for the forum at the moment but if i can help you can contact me no problem
  2. A part changer la densité de remplissage je ne vois pas... ca ne passe pas a l'impression?
  3. Meilleures voeux à tous! Pour ma part j'ai passé le reveillon avec mes deux filles et ma femme malade donc très calme on a même pas tenu jusque minuit! Donc moi je souhaite surtout une bonne santé
  4. Well you can change the tower size for that, or the tower thickness, i guess that of you want only one pass you can set it to the line width, but this will make your tower quite weak so it might break and mess up the print
  5. Not sure about this but have you tried different support types lile zigzag for example?
  6. Visiblement ce serait un bug de la version 4.0.1 du firmware
  7. Ca pourrait venir de la sonde ou de la cartouche mal enfoncée ou alors elle est defectueuse. Je me demande s'il n'y a pas une histoire avec les contacts du core aussi je peux me renseigner
  8. So yes i would change the teflon. And maybe a new bowden tube to if you cut it, the curve of the bowden can add extra friction and cause underextrusion
  9. Ok je suis rassuré même rigs galère avec la.sigma. j'ai une r16, avec la.mise a jour des drivers. J arrive a sortir des pièces correctes en utilisant une buse mais en double extrusion au bout d'un.moment les feeders me lachent et bouffe le filament. J'ai prévu l'upgrade.bondtech, si avec ça je n'y arrive pas je laisse tomber Par rapport.au prix je suis d'accord l'um3 est trop chère et certains éléments auraient dû être changé, genre les drivers et l'écran. Raise ça a l'air pas mail, en.oubliant une quelconque fiabilité en double extrusion effectivement. Sinon c'est clair que pour le prix on a un volume très intéressant
  10. It could be also that cura is ignoring these internal supports because it is 'repairing' the model automatically. There are some settings i think under special tab or experimental, like fill holes and stich models together (im on my phone, i can't check) some of these settings are maybe called black magic, and some combination may or may not to the trick
  11. As George said, its called a zseam and you can randomize the position. The setting is probably called zseam position or z scar position. If you don't see it, you need to click on the gear and look for that specific setting
  12. From all you say, and if you ruled out what george said, i would really have a close look at the teflon isolator. How many hours of print has it been through? Also it's an ultimaker 2 so if it's an old one this piece wasnt that resistant in the early units. Another possibility could be the feeder, assuming you have the black one that has a tendency to grind filament, maybe it needs a good cleaning.
  13. You can find the printing hours on the um3 in the cores menu Why are you selling them im.curious?
  14. Il est possible que certaines conversions de données n'aie pas été prises en compte ou mal transformée je vais noter ça, de quel chiffre s'agit il?
  15. Hi, When you say monitoring its by looking at the printhead temp reported.by the printer? And if i understand well this fluctuating temp occurs when the bb core is up and not printing? How stable is the temp on the bbcore when its printing? I have never checked on mine but it always worked nicely. Fluctuating temperatures would mean, either a too weak heat cartridge or a malfunctioning heat sensor, but then it should show the same behaviour when the core is printing
  16. Ah zut j'arrive trop tard, mais oui il semblerait que la première chose a tenter quand cura crash comme ça soit de supprimer ses fameux répertoires qui contiennent les profils. Qu'est ce qu'elle est efficace cette communauté
  17. Underextrusion in the infill is probably due to high infill speeds, i personnaly always reduce the infill speeds of the default profiles i find them a bit to extreme. How is the outside doing? Still strings?
  18. Ben dis donc ca en fait des nouvelles! Et je vois que vous êtes parti sur bcn pour la double extru plutôt que vers l um3, pour quelles raisons? Ca doit être sympa de se remettre a la vie étudiante apres avoir bossé, tu va pouvoir boire des diabolos menthe a la cafet'
  19. Also to check if the printer is old and runs a lot, is the teflon isolator, after sometime it deforms and makes iy harder for the filamentt to pass through. You can find how to check this in the ressources pages of the website (not easy for me to copy paste the link as im on phone)
  20. If you have the old ultimaker 2 feeder (the black one) then it will most likeley fail. Either you change it for the famous lRobertl feeder with the filament guide, or you upgrade to the 2+ feeder which works nicely with semiflex filaments. It can be a bit tricky but should work. Slow and constant speeds are indeed the main trick
  21. Also if im not wrong they give a version of old cura that is preconfigured for the neva. You can basically get the information from there and insert them in the new cura. Im not familiar with the neva facebook groups but on the cr10 group for example you can find profiles for the new cura also as mentioned before
  22. Air gaps is called under extrusion and can be caused by many things Speeds, low printing temps, inconsistent filament etc...
  23. yes un bon forum sans gif animés c'est trop sérieux
  24. Indeed, it's not really stringing but more related to the steep overhangs you are printing, this particular print probably won't give perfect results without supports
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