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Everything posted by DidierKlein

  1. Hi and welcome, This setting is as you said under the dual extrusion settings, i'm not sure if you can specify this one if the printer doesn't have two extruders (but you can simply set the number of extruders in the machine settings. What i would do to be sure, because of the huge difference between 15.4 and 3.1 and the minimal number of settings in the 15.4 is simply use a default profile and update the settings you need manually. I'm not sure that the import of settings can actually work nicely
  2. 3DSolex nozzles are pretty good, you could have had a bad batch (shit happens) i would contact carl to see how to solve your issue. Microswiss i never tried. E3D fit on the Olsson block, they are standard quality i would say. Did not try the copper plated ones though
  3. (Traduction du message de @SandervG dans le forum anglais) Bonjour tout le monde, Je voulais partager avec vous les dernières informations par rapport à la migration. Il y a toujours la possibilité que la migration se fasse mi-décembre même si les étapes préparatoires ne sont pas encore totalement finalisées. Donc il est encore un peu tôt pour affirmer et poser une date maintenant. Les étapes techniques sont pratiquement finalisées par notre équipe de dévelopement et par IPboard mais l'algorithme de migration des données, des fichiers attachés et les préférences des utilisateurs est toujours en cours d'optimisation. Pour le moment il fonctionne déjà très bien mais il n'est pas encore totalement prêt. Nous avons également validé aujourd'hui que le forum sera accessible (en lecture seule) pendant la migration, ce qui est plutôt positif car les informations resteront disponibles pour les utilisateurs dans le besoin. Nous voulons faire la migration un certain temps avant les congés de fin d'année, donc si nous sommes prêt et que le temps restant est suffisant nous pourrions décidé d'enclencher la migration assez rapidement (uniquement si nous sommes suffisamment préparé). Dans tout les cas je ferais de mon mieux pour vous prévenir 2 jours en avance. Je reste à disposition si vous avez des questions, des commentaires ou des suggestions.
  4. Hi, I'm currently trying out PolySmooth, it's quite easy to print, i use PLA settings, just set the temperature a bit lower (for example the transparent one prints nicely at 190°c) Regarding the layer height, 0.15mm is quite good once smoothed
  5. Pour répondre à @f5bqp la raison principale pour la migration c'est que le logiciel du forum actuel a été entièrement développé par l'équipe de devs Ultimaker, afin de mieux s'intégrer au site qui comme tu le sais ne contient pas que le forum. Le truc c'est qu'au fur et à mesure de nombreux bugs sont apparus et qu'ils deviennent compliqués a corriger (ne me demande pas pourquoi je ne sais pas). Je pense que c'est un choix judicieux de passer sur une solution développée pour le forum et uniquement pour le forum.
  6. I don't think it would override the x and y offset, this is saved on the core eeprom, overriding is not a problem, it's just that the firmware doesnt detect the core as an aa or bb core
  7. what printer do you have? In cura 3.0 the nozzle size has been replaced by the line width setting, i believe you will find it in the quality setting group (click on the gear to see the other settings)
  8. There was an experimental dual extrusion kit for the UMO (not +) it will not work on the UMO+ as the power supply is not strong enough if i remember well. You might want to have a look at the magnetic tool changer and adapt it to your machine i think it's doable (or maybe done already?) https://magnetic-tool-changer.com
  9. In Cura you can set the cooldown temperature (i think its called like that (or idle temperature maybe), check how these settings look like for you. These settings might be hidden, so you have to go in advanced mode, then click on the gear next to the material settings (i think)
  10. Hi and welcome (Bonjour et bienvenue) Au cas ou tu as une partie francophone sur le forum I would advise you to contact the reseller of the machine to trouble shoot the printer
  11. Hi and welcome, I'm having trouble viewing the pictures. Anyway, the whole point of the Ultimaker 3 is having the two cores at different heights so that they don't interfere with the print while they are not being used. It prints with the left nozzle with the right nozzle up, then it goes to the side of the printer and switches the nozzle, this brings the right nozzle down (lower than the left nozzle) then it prints with it ... etc...
  12. Hi and welcome, I would say that you can maybe level your plate a tiny bit higher (closer to the nozzle). And i you apply glue or something make sure you apply it smoothly on the whole area. You can also print the first layer a bit hotter, by the way what is the first layer height?
  13. What model are you looking for? you might find some usefull information on the Ultimaker github
  14. Clean up the nozzle several times with the atomic method. Also if you try printing and nothing comes out, the filament is grinded in the feeder, when you try again, take the filament out and cut everything that was in the bowden to prevent the filament from blocking inside the tube (when grinded it will be more wide than it's supposed to be)
  15. Demande quand même à ton revendeur s'il peut faire quelquechose
  16. J'avais fait un tuto la dessus aussi tiens En français ça doit être mesh de remplissage ou un truc du genre?
  17. Isn't the best way to do this with the per object settings? And infill mesh? I did a small tutorial about it a while ago with cura 2.6
  18. How is it accumulating? By dragging plastic from the print or is it leaking from the top of the nozzle?
  19. Did you try with print thin walls enabled? This looks indeed very small to print. Maybe you could use something else than numbers? Maybe add some dots or something to identify? Or print with a smaller nozzle?
  20. I'm surprised no one mentionned Fusion 360 it's also a very nice piece of software, and free for students hobbyists and startups. One downside maybe is that it's cloud based but for me it has always worked great, and there are a lot of tutorials on youtube
  21. Hi and welcome, I don't know if this is exactly what you want but if you look in layer view, you can see the actual layers of the print. https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/20408-interface-overview Number 3 is the icon to click on to have layer view, in cura 3 i think its now on the top right corner of the viewing window still identified by an eye It's not purely gcode but more of a preview, gcode is not that sexy to look at it's just a bunch of codes and numbers.
  22. Ca arrive quand la pièce se décolle du plateau, la tête embarque le print et au fur et à mesure le pla s'accumule jusqu'a remonter dans la tête... c'est la grosse merde quand ça arrive... sur la 2 au pire tu avais le ventilo arrière pris dans la masse ici tu as quasi tout... les cores les cartes les ventilos... Deux possibilités: 1- tu nettoies toi même, en chauffant et avec de la patience tu peux y arriver 2- tu contacte le revendeur et tu vois avec eux
  23. Nothing actually printed? Usually this happens when the print detaches from the plate. I guess it could happen that the front cover opens itself somehow and this would certainly cause a mess. As korneel suggested it is cleanable but you probably need some new parts
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