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Everything posted by ultiarjan

  1. oh, and curious, you say the head opened during printing, did the magnets pop out? in that case you probably want to use some superglue when putting them back (not sure but assuming superglue will work on the plastic, i think it's POM ?) @tomnagel any tips on securing the magnets?
  2. pretty sure this is the order (to lazy to take mine apart now...) but you can just feel if it's ok or not. The metal thingy goes in from the top with the small part down. be sure to put some green grease (the stuff you got with the machine you also put on the Z screw) on the moving small plastic parts. and a pic from mu head;
  3. raft? why? you said you used default profiles..... don't think any profile has raft on by default....
  4. That looks horrible.... Was that a default um profile?
  5. Actually the go has so much space around the bed you (hardly) don't loose any.... But it's still a small go ofc.... Just made the thing for fun. Obviously it would make more sense to put the head in a um2 or umo.
  6. A simple google Ultimaker 3 Printhead found this http://www.mindkits.co.nz/ultimaker-parts-386.aspx They list the SKU numbers. So it’s pretty much public for most parts Indeed a good source.... But not complete
  7. Contact your reseller or distributor. He has the possibility to sell you spare parts which are not listed by Ultimaker under the product menu. Or you are a bit patient and print your UM3 head by yourself when the hardware source is published. I'm not going to publish a parts list of the head before Ultimaker publishes the Hardware source (probably in October) but if you PM me and promise not to share the list I can share it ....
  8. and talking about fbrc8 ... they also have very useful support pages; https://fbrc8.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/207813353-Replacing-Parts-on-the-X-Y-Axis
  9. Hi ultiarjan Ofc I can! it's really worth to try, it will more reliable than the UM2 hot end I 'm in updating the design files for improving more some details noticed when testing, just wait a few days, time to complete the folder, included step, bom etc.... Great! no hurry, I was planning on getting a bom together based on the "normal" zge and the m2 version, but if you provide it it will be much more reliable I'm sure. I've been looking already but can't find a good source for the 4x4mm rods, any supplier tip?
  10. @gudo can you add the "core version" files to the dropbox? like to have a look at them ... very tempted to give it a try.
  11. Ofc ultimaker does not sell complete um3 heads.... but a New Zealand retailer had most spareparts published on its website.... and I just ordered the spareparts at my local reseller, mostly based on that list
  12. modified my diy GO with the Ultimaker3 head ... because I can
  13. @gudo just need to say I'm as always impressed by your designs!! love it !!
  14. and the link to the MARK2 ZGE topic; https://ultimaker.com/en/community/50948-zge-mark2
  15. https://ultimaker.com/en/community/35608-zero-gravity-direct-drive-extruder?page=1 fyi, here's the link to the regular ZGE setup.
  16. I would not worry to much about that, mine has it for years and it keeps running... But if you do worry cooling will not hurt ofc
  17. Your board is fine. Some of the newest um2 are missing components of the 5th stepper driver. Ultimaker claims they had to do that due to lack of components. But your board is fine. You can see it has solder at the back where the 5th driver is. For the zge... It looks assom but is a much bigger makeover... I suggest you try the normal Mark2 first. Search for zge mark2 on this forum for more info... (On my phone... To hard to find a link..)
  18. If you want free software for tool path creation you can use "fusion 360". I personally like "cambam" not free, but it does all I need.
  19. Sure. Everyone involved is still around. Ofc everyone has a day job.... But you can safely go one with the mod.. even if you would have to wait a while for an answer your single extrusion ability stays just as is. And yes you can use s3d. And also... Yes there is still development. Did you see the zge version?
  20. Hi Susanne, welcome to the forum. Did you try to play with it a bit, just take a simple shape an play with the settings, while looking at layer view after you change something, this should make clear whats the function of the settings. Also read the screentips per setting... Basically the "angle" setting determines the outside shape of the mold, the width determines how "thick" the mold will get. What is missing imho at the moment to make it really useful is an option to split the mold into 2 parts (at least I have not seen this...) so currently the sort of shapes you can use are limited.
  21. I'll be there... flying in all the way from the Netherlands.. Also planning on showing up here, if I can keep awake long enough after flying in on Thursday. https://www.meetup.com/nl-NL/fat-cat-fab-lab/events/242651285/
  22. Think it should be the other way around. Good infill should be the default. A "give me extra speed I don't care about my infill" tickbox would be more logical... But even better just a high speed low quility profile... Its hard enough to work with the ton of tickboxes cura already has.
  23. If you split the object in 2 parts (at a certain height) you can allocate a different extruder to each part in Cura. In simplify 3D you can create 2 processes, 1 to a certain height, the other starting at that height, and allocate a extruder to each process. Would be nice to get this functionality in Cura also some day....
  24. Oh, and one more thing not helping, I noticed again that Cura 2.7 is creating a ridiculous amount of retractions on infill, using a default profile (I only changed first layer height, and infill speed)
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