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Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 stable

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Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 stable

I'm printing everyday with UM3 and since the upgrade to firmware 5.2 the active level doesn't work anymore. In fact I even got scratch on the glass plate because the nozzle was touching the glass plate (through an UM adhesive tape !!!) The factory reset doesn't help. Hopefully I can still use manual level.  As described in this forum I can't downgrade the firmware 5.2 😞

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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 stable
    6 hours ago, Brolman said:

    Apparently the new firmware has only affected 1% of the UM users. Could we hear from the mute 99% that were not affected?

    Me for example, I upgraded my UM3 and my S5 and have nearly no issues except the x/y calibration which is only needed for dual print and I don't print often dual.


    Just one minor issue on the UM3, that I have now (after the updated) a buzzy sound from the display. It is annoying, but I found a workaround to stop that sound. I just have to go to a submenu and return to the main, then the sound stops. Sometimes I have to jump more than one time to another view, but it works always.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 stable
    11 hours ago, mikkermik said:

    Got tired of waiting, so I rolled back to 4.3.3 by doing the firmware recovery (attached). It was actually fairly simple, and I'm not particularly technical.

    Anyway, every issue is now gone, and I'm back to printing.


    Work Instructions Ultimaker 3 firmware recovery.pdf 2.5 MB · 10 downloads


    I just did the same using these instructions. Easy to do, works great. There's a little bit of an uh-oh moment where it looks like you need to create a debian login on the LCD, but it just moves past that after a bit.


    Back to using my printer as it should work. Thanks mikkermik!

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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 stable

    Has anyone experienced the blob extrusion issue? Since the update?


    Goes to print the Blob, after a short extrude Z moves down, extrudes some more.


    Z raises into print head, Print head moves to start of print position dragging some/if not all of the blob with it.

    Initially i wiped the nozzle to remove the blob. At the time i was just happy my printer was alive after updating🤦‍♂️


    Is there any update from UM on when the fixes will be released? how long has it been now?

    The reason this isnt even bigger for UM is that not everyone has upgraded. (my work 5+ machines, some of my mates 3+ machines etc to name people i know) But when those users start to update the small trickle of issues will get bigger and bigger. (look how many UM users have just signed up with 1 post to complain!)

    Like many other people on here I'm really disappointed. I would expect this from a cheap Chinese manufacture but not from UM. I feel like I've fallen for the marketing (as per usual). Really not impressed and wont be recommending forward.


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    Posted (edited) · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 stable
    4 hours ago, Trueblondegod said:

    Has anyone experienced the blob extrusion issue? Since the update?


    Goes to print the Blob, after a short extrude Z moves down, extrudes some more.


    Z raises into print head, Print head moves to start of print position dragging some/if not all of the blob with it.

    Initially i wiped the nozzle to remove the blob. At the time i was just happy my printer was alive after updating🤦‍♂️


    I'm also experiencing it, but i'm not sure if I had this behaviour before the update or not. My UM3 is pretty new (received it mid of March 2019) and as the firmware was updated almost immediatly, I don't really know if it's specific to the new firmware or CURA 4.
    Anyway, i'm also experiencing this blob being carried out by the nozzle, especially for the PVA on printcore 2. Even when not rolling it's little ball, the nozzle gets full of plastic and the outside of it is soon carbonize, also this does not at first glance adversly impact the prints (when the blob doed not get stuck in the middle of the print, but now i'm quite trained to quicky pick it up in the first minutes of the print.)

    For sure the issues i'm having with the new firmware + cura 4 are :


    - XY calibration not working (I've been reading about the ugly manual push fix...)
    - automatic levelling not working, when activated, the nozzle almost scratch the glass and there is no extrusion possible.

    I've been factory resetting the UM3 but same behaviours...
    I've seen the instruction to rollback to 4.3.3 but I don't want to open the machine... I really hope that Ultimaker will solve this mess quickly, it's been out for more than a month now.
    ETA / progress bar updates (you know those smart UI/UX widgets that keeps users to wait patiently in front of their computers during long task runs) for the next "hotfix" would really be welcome...


    Edited by Matioupi
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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 stable
    4 hours ago, Trueblondegod said:


    Like many other people on here I'm really disappointed. I would expect this from a cheap Chinese manufacture but not from UM. I feel like I've fallen for the marketing (as per usual). Really not impressed and wont be recommending forward.



    Well said. Shame on you Ultimaker!!! 

    Your leaving us all hang out to dry 😞

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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 stable

    The problem with the XY calibration is that it's not un-/retracting. Cura's default setting is to do exactly this. So that's why the filament is too far away from the nozzle.

    Anyway, the XY calibration is actually a gcode that is stored in the firmware. It assumes the scenario that the printcore is ready to be used. So what Ultimaker needs to do (or you if you know how to hack your printer) is to add the instruction for the printer in this gcode to do the un-/retraction.


    That should be it if I'm not wrong.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 stable

    That's a problem, but the other is that the FW obviously does not take into account which material is loaded - it makes no sense to advance ABS and nylon 6 mm and print at a fixed temperature of 190 degrees (Core 1) or 220 degrees (Core 2) - that does not go through the nozzle ...! Deadline only because much too cold. It was not an Ultimaker material now, but I loaded it with the load command and specified the material type there - so I suspect that's the problem in general. The way I see it, you have to calibrate PLA each time - whether you have it there or not ... If only the question were what I have to state it for - just to load? I can do that manually too ...


    with regards, Digibike

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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 stable

    Had my UM3 for 6 weeks or so, and it was fine until leveling went wrong about 2 weeks ago, and once it went wrong, it went all the way.


    - I had autolevel set to always,
    - After the firmware patch my print success started feeling inconsistent,
    - I'd added UHU to a print where the most important layer had to be printed on the bed and raft/brim messed with it,
    - Adhesion had gotten worse and UM3 provides a painful, slow, experimentation cycle, so I'd flipped the bed over unaware that the two sides are different,
    - A large build of Colorfabb nGen had slipped and covered the printheads in ngen residue, forcing me to open the print head to get the cores out,
    - After reassembly not even my unaffected print cores (bb .4 and aa .25) could level,
    - Printing the X/Y calibration was impossible because the head was either too close or was dragging drips/strands/the print into the print and turning to mush,
    - The manual leveling process is an awful user experience. You should grandmother it (get family members of staff to come in and attempt to correctly manually level a printer: I challenge you), how much "some resistance" is turns out to be absolutely criticial,
    - During the fight between manual and autolevel I think I over loosed some of the screws,
    - The turn around time on making leveling adjustments to finding out whether you are within +/-0.05mm of correct extrusion is INSANE,
    - It took me about 5 attempts after the buildtak addition to piece together what was going on.
    a) I thought I'd turned off auto-leveling but it was back on - maybe I had done that thing where pressing the wheel counts as turning the wheel too,
    b) I was feeling for "resistance" as in a sense that the card was being dragged at rather than aiming for the barest hint that the card wasn't utterly free to move,
    c) The card isn't perfectly flat, and its hard to get it to be flat,
    d) auto-levelling can't handle buildtak, and it definitely can't handle flex plate,
    e) in my case, the calibration card was too thin, a 0.35mm piece of card that came with the shipping of something worked a lot better, 

    What I don't get is why this problem isn't generally solved in 3d printing using a simple obstruction sensor? Hang an emitter and a receiver from the same axis the print core is from until you sense the bed interrupting the bottom of the receiver?


    The sensors/emitters can probably be bought off the shelf  and you just send the output to the extant board, with the mounting parts, probably sell for $50-150, and voila customers have a way to obtain factory-fresh perfect auto leveling in a single pass.

    Or for $250-$350 you could put strips along the sides of the bed up by the home position: in a single scan you can do both leveling and obstruction checking -- you can confirm that nothing is in the way of the current layer and, at the end of the layer, after moving the head, that the print hasn't failed to adhere. You could even check for droop, etc, by checking that end-of-layer occlusion matches expectations...


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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 stable
    20 hours ago, Digibike said:

    That's a problem, but the other is that the FW obviously does not take into account which material is loaded - it makes no sense to advance ABS and nylon 6 mm and print at a fixed temperature of 190 degrees (Core 1) or 220 degrees (Core 2) - that does not go through the nozzle ...! Deadline only because much too cold. It was not an Ultimaker material now, but I loaded it with the load command and specified the material type there - so I suspect that's the problem in general. The way I see it, you have to calibrate PLA each time - whether you have it there or not ... If only the question were what I have to state it for - just to load? I can do that manually too ...


    with regards, Digibike


    From my intern days at Ultimaker, I know that the general material properties must be there if I don't remember wrong what I saw in the firmware. I have no explanation of why the wrong temperature is applied during this procedure.


    I feel sorry to hear this ☹️

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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 stable
    8 hours ago, thopiekar said:


    From my intern days






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    Posted (edited) · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 stable

    Well; after over 4 weeks of sharing the issues, having the Ultimaker Team acknowledge that they are aware of them, and yet still no clear path to resolve the issues nor any element of urgency evidenced; I give a thumbs up to “thopiekar” for entering this arena.


    Even my USA distributor has remained unable to resolve issues because they tell me that Ultimaker has still not gotten back to them; this after over 3 weeks. If not for the lack of communication from the Ultimaker Team within this forum I likely would not believe them and yet I do, and I also find myself feeling bad for them because they too are dealing with the exact same thing.


    This situation has gone from not good, to beyond unacceptable.


    The Ultimaker Team and their distributors direct customers to this forum for support and guidance however, it appears that this forum is also used to shield the world by keeping the proverbial dirty laundry in house; I refer back to an earlier 0.1 percent comment and it not being a sufficient number of affected customers for them to react to on an extreme level. I also recall another customer sharing that he was going to make comments on Facebook , well, maybe it’s time to have the periodicals such as; Make, All3DP, TCT, AllThat3D, etc. print an editorial or an article within their user experience sections?


    This situation is no longer even marginally acceptable. I will no longer accept having invested roughly $10K USD into a 3D printer along with supplies and spare parts as a tool for my business only to have far less than I was promised and frankly, assured throughout the purchasing process. I asked very specific questions because this is not my first 3D printer. I dealt with and accepted the growing pains as the technology developed always accepting that they were one step away from “hobbiest” 3D printers.Having shared this I have several associates that also own businesses that feel the exact same way as well many within this forum.


    In retrospect; I that thought that I did my diligence prior to buying into the Ultimaker program haven spoken with several distributors and several folks within the Ultimaker Team. It was during these conversations that I heard hence believed that Ultimaker was setting the 3D printer bar; a bar that other 3D printer manufacturers would have to aspire to oust be left behind. This is why I paid what was considered a premium for Ultimaker’s  top of the line 3D printer solicited as designed and thoroughly tested for years prior to being offered for sale to the “businesses” environment. Ultimaker made clear that this was a fully developed 3D printer that could easily be used by the lay person within any office environment.


    What I have experienced, as well as many many others, is a company that is far from that which they want folks; including their distributors and 3D marketplace to believe.


    I am very disappointed.

    Edited by Shadowman
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    Posted (edited) · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 stable

    I Have recently purchased 3 Ultimaker 3 machines.


    I have updated the firmware on all three machines on installation.


    The X Y calibration has issues. The filament from extruder 2 will not extrude filament. This happens on all the machines.


    When I print with the second extruder alone it prints fine. But when I use dual printing it becomes a mess as the X and Y are not calibrated. 


    Few others have faced this issue but unable to find a solution.


    Is there any way to go back to an oldfirmware from 5.2.8..... ??? I want to do this without opening the complete machine. 


    EDIT 1:


    I planned on doing the firmware recovery method by opening up the machine .


    The site for downloading the image is not available   http://software.ultimaker.com/jedi/releases/recovery.img.


    it gives an error 404 page not found

    Edited by hussainsail2002
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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 stable

    The link is working: http://software.ultimaker.com/jedi/releases/recovery.img


    In your link, the dot (.) is included.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 stable
    14 hours ago, kfsone said:






    Haha. Enjoyed exactly this at Ultimaker, too. Was a great time! 😊

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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 stable
    13 hours ago, Shadowman said:

    Well; after over 4 weeks of sharing the issues, having the Ultimaker Team acknowledge that they are aware of them, and yet still no clear path to resolve the issues nor any element of urgency evidenced; I give a thumbs up to “thopiekar” for entering this arena.


    Even my USA distributor has remained unable to resolve issues because they tell me that Ultimaker has still not gotten back to them; this after over 3 weeks. If not for the lack of communication from the Ultimaker Team within this forum I likely would not believe them and yet I do, and I also find myself feeling bad for them because they too are dealing with the exact same thing.


    This situation has gone from not good, to beyond unacceptable.


    The Ultimaker Team and their distributors direct customers to this forum for support and guidance however, it appears that this forum is also used to shield the world by keeping the proverbial dirty laundry in house; I refer back to an earlier 0.1 percent comment and it not being a sufficient number of affected customers for them to react to on an extreme level. I also recall another customer sharing that he was going to make comments on Facebook , well, maybe it’s time to have the periodicals such as; Make, All3DP, TCT, AllThat3D, etc. print an editorial or an article within their user experience sections?


    This situation is no longer even marginally acceptable. I will no longer accept having invested roughly $10K USD into a 3D printer along with supplies and spare parts as a tool for my business only to have far less than I was promised and frankly, assured throughout the purchasing process. I asked very specific questions because this is not my first 3D printer. I dealt with and accepted the growing pains as the technology developed always accepting that they were one step away from “hobbiest” 3D printers.Having shared this I have several associates that also own businesses that feel the exact same way as well many within this forum.


    In retrospect; I that thought that I did my diligence prior to buying into the Ultimaker program haven spoken with several distributors and several folks within the Ultimaker Team. It was during these conversations that I heard hence believed that Ultimaker was setting the 3D printer bar; a bar that other 3D printer manufacturers would have to aspire to oust be left behind. This is why I paid what was considered a premium for Ultimaker’s  top of the line 3D printer solicited as designed and thoroughly tested for years prior to being offered for sale to the “businesses” environment. Ultimaker made clear that this was a fully developed 3D printer that could easily be used by the lay person within any office environment.


    What I have experienced, as well as many many others, is a company that is far from that which they want folks; including their distributors and 3D marketplace to believe.


    I am very disappointed.


    I'll drop this do some of my former co-workers. I don't believe that Ultimaker is not aware of that.

    Additionally, it could take some time until the fixes are fully tested. They have a great QA team, which takes the job seriously.

    Personally, I have no explanation of how it could come to this situation since Ultimaker is taking quality very serious (saw it myself) and (normally) communicates very well.

    But I can also understand you guys here that a minimum of communication must be given - doesn't matter what the situation is internally.


    Hope that a solution will be found for you soon!

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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 stable

    Unfortunately we are many to be disappointed by Ultimaker .... no sorry 0,1%

    Still no roadmap for possible fixes ...

    Really disappointed...

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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 stable

    Sent an email to some people. Will keep you posted about any feedback I get. I'm convinced that Ultimaker will give answers soon!

    Until then, I'm crossing fingers for you all!


    Even if this solution is not the most user-friendly one, I think it might be the only promising one for now.

    On 4/20/2019 at 9:43 PM, mikkermik said:

    Got tired of waiting, so I rolled back to 4.3.3 by doing the firmware recovery (attached). It was actually fairly simple, and I'm not particularly technical.

    Anyway, every issue is now gone, and I'm back to printing.


    Work Instructions Ultimaker 3 firmware recovery.pdf 2.5 MB · 22 downloads


    Thank you @mikkermik for sharing this document!

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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 stable

    Not to add fuel to the fire, but I just wonder how they tested this firmware.  I just saw a post in the Cura forum that really looked like a firmware problem that had to do with offset and printing 10 mm above the bed (as has happened to me after the upgrade).


    The interesting thing is that actually when I only use a single extruder, I would argue my prints might actually look better than before.  However, I do use a lot of dual extruder printing, which is a large reason I purchased the Ultimaker in the first place, and that’s where a lot of problems arise.  That and active leveling which is the other feature I bought into.  Seems that the idea of the only affected by 1% is maybe people don’t print in dual materials as often as I do?  Perhaps they’re like the person in the Cura forum where they think its a Cura plugin incompatibility issue and not a firmware issue?


    It seems all these firmware issues are blatantly obvious and debilitating when it comes to dual extrusion and less obvious any maybe mildly annoying when it comes to single extrusion prints.


    Just to repeat and summarize my personal issues:


    - sporadically weird wifi connectivity issues, sometimes completely fine, and sometimes need to hard reset printer.  Factory reset did nothing.

    - need to have auto level set to always otherwise the print messes up to start

    - any offset code in gcode doesn’t work

    - dual extrusion prints with support material is finicky compared to before (did a full core cleaning and service to eliminate other variables to print quality).


    With those considerations, I have been able to print again.  I’ve had to throw out a lot of bad prints, maybe 50% or more.  Reliability and quality being other reasons I bought my Ultimaker and have been a big fan of it until this snafu.


    But anyway, again as it related to the 1% comment sometime earlier in this thread, I would argue that it’s probably a mixture of people who don’t know that there are issues due to the feature sets they use, but are 100% apparent for anyone that does use those features.  




    P.S.  I hope the fix comes soon so instead of the chant of “blame the intern” it goes to “praise the intern!” 

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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 stable

    Have you ever tried to downgrade as described before and tried again. I mean if you can really prove that this is firmware related that would be great. Otherwise, people could say that you just have bad luck and the sensor itself could get broken accidentally during this time too.


    Well, I remember that there were several tests done together with PVA, so dual printing is definitely included here.

    But as I said, it's already more than a year ago that I had a foot in the R&D building.

    But even if I would know something more in detail what went wrong, I wouldn't mention too much (diplomatically).

    I think what really counts right now, is that your problems get corrected. 


    Thank you for your great summary! I will redirect this one, if I hear something from the UM side.


    I agree. Also it depends on what is currently in the planning of the different individuals (companies and hobbyists). Might be that they already have a good calibration and didn't switch the cores.

    Anyway, more people will notice these issues soon for sure. Think that makes it more important to prevent that these people will ever know of these bugs, so they won't get disappointed, too.


    Will keep you posted as soon as I know something new.



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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 stable

    No messages on the progress status from an official Ultimaker account since April 17th... (today is april 29th), the faulty firmware being release since march 21 st. This is really disappointing.


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    Posted · Ultimaker Firmware 5.2 stable
    57 minutes ago, Matioupi said:

    No messages on the progress status from an official Ultimaker account since April 17th... (today is april 29th), the faulty firmware being release since march 21 st. This is really disappointing.


    Beyond disappointing 


    The word that comes to mind is; ridiculous.

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