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Everything posted by CarloK

  1. @TheoM Thanks for the extra info that the lines remain for more than 10 minutes. This is an indication the update process has stopped. I can't reproduce the error here, so I depend on info from users like you to narrow down the problem cause. So far, we got 3 other users reporting this problem. All on a UM3 Extended. Is your machine a normal UM3 or the Extended version?
  2. @merongi We are looking into this problem. The vertical lines show up at a moment we show an informative message for the update being in progress. Can you tell me what happens when you wait 5 minutes with these lines showing?
  3. The 700C degrees spikes are often caused by a communication error to the print head. Short error bursts have little impact, but when your printer is one of the early UM3 models, then it's good to know that Ultimaker improved the tension relief on the cable in newer models to reduce these errors. The replacement parts are 202053 and 202071, costing about €2,50 together.
  4. Yes, multiple people have moved the feeders to different locations. I think I remember @Smithy mentioned he uses such a setup. Perhaps he can provide more details?
  5. @threepoint I'm one of the firmware guys. A year ago I wasn't working on the UM3 so this problem never came to my attention. I understand you want to add a new HIPS material and this doesn't show up in the material selection list. That's weird, from a quick glance, your material definition looks correct (only materials with color 'generic' are shown and the UM3 printer should be enabled for the material). Just after the 5.2.17 release I discovered a problem: when we have multiple materials with the same name, then only 1 is shown. Perhaps this is what happens in your printer? You already have the Generic HIPS present. I'm on holiday now so have no access to a printer. I can test again next week.
  6. We fixed a bug where manual selecting the camera stream was broken because the URL was invalid, perhaps this fix introduced a Cura problem. I'm on holiday now but will check next week.
  7. @Bigbrit Did you try the v6.5.1 firmware that was released August 4? The v6.5.0 and 6.5.1 releases contain some improvements for the Digital Factory connection status.
  8. @ArnoG I don't think we made a deliberate change to the REST API, but last weeks we released several firmware releases for different printers, so it helps when you provide more details like: - What printer model are you using? - What is the version that's failing for you? - Perhaps you remember the version that was working before?
  9. @Morandir it is also possible to directly print over the local network from Cura, for this no account is needed. The Digital Factory solution provides similar functionality but then over the Internet, so great for when you work on multiple locations.
  10. @lavi Great to hear you got it working. The Chinese language problem is new. We'll look into this.
  11. Can you use the UM3 with Digital Factory? It provides the same functionality as a direct connection but then with access from outside your building as well.
  12. V5.2.17 was released today and fixes most of the known Active Levelling problems. With the 5.2 release we introduced an optimization for the probing speed by re-using old probing data when this existed but we missed a few situations where this old data should have been discarded. Most stupid bug was that we did re-use the probing report of a 1-nozzle print for a 2-nozzle print. This created many of the problems reported here where the 2nd nozzle was grinding or printing in the air. Note that these optimizations affect the UM3 only, the S-line uses a different algorithm and probes always. To my knowledge all blocking Active Levelling bugs in the UM3 have now been fixed, only a few exceptional situations remaining.
  13. And there are a whole lot of other changes that didn't make it into the official release notes because those are not applicable to most users. A small list: - copied firmware installation routine from the S-line. Reducing the firmware file size from 125Mb to 75Mb - fixed webcam API. Tweakers can access the webcam again. - Improved logging by removing a lot of useless messages and processes now log their names instead of a number. Dumping the log files also saves the dmesg file for extra info. - Updated Connman from v1.32 to v1.36. Solves a lot of networking issues - fix the webcam stream freezing occasionally - several other small changes
  14. Yes, this release is for both the standard UM3 and the UM3 Extended (the firmware for both is identical and switches settings based on an internally stored machine identifier).
  15. UM3 firmware v5.2.17 was released today and includes PETG materials. This is for printers that have no network connection.
  16. @MIO The mentioning of 'rotary button' seems like you refer to the UM2(+) ? This thread started about the interface for the UM2+C which is very different with a touch screen.
  17. Personally I'm not happy with the current situation either. The formal way for complaints nowadays is to contact your reseller and they will forward it to the Ultimaker Customer Care department. Then, as a work around, I can show you one of the hidden tricks the UM3 has in its internals. When you are willing to edit a text file on the printer, then you can enable another leveling mechanism that's also used in the S-line of printers. The UM3 uses a 3-point leveling where the S-line uses a multi-point bed leveling (MPBL). The MPBL is more accurate as it probes more locations and can hence handle curved or twisted build plates, not an issue for the smaller UM3, but there are fewer bugs in this algorithm. There is always a catch: You can't select the leveling frequency anymore, the MPBL probing will always run before a print, but we did some optimizations here so it's not that bad time wise. Upgrade your printer to the most recent version (5.2.16 at the time of writing) Set the printer in developer mode (in menu Maintenance/Diagnostics) Now we are going to edit a file on the printer. You can do this directly of use scp to copy the file to your pc, modify it and then copy it back to the printer. Here the online guide: Use a terminal program to create an SSH connection to the printer. Username = root / password = ultimaker cd /usr/share/griffin/griffin/machines vi um3.json (check online guides for how to navigate in the 'vi' editor) On line 45 of the file change "frequency" to "mode" On line 54 change "spacing" from 80 to 160 (reduces the number of probe locations from 9 to 4 which is way faster) Save the file (ESC ':wq') Type 'reboot' to reboot the printer
  18. @Duckminster I checked and you are right, v4.3.3 doesn't update the materials. I'm always using v5.2.x and there it is updating the materials when connected to Cura.
  19. Cura 4.10 has material profiles for the UM3 included. Select your printer from Cura and it will transfer all updated material profiles in the background to your printer. This should even work for the older 4.3.3. release.
  20. Helaas zijn er in het Nederlandse deel van dit forum niet veel mensen. Probeer de vraag nog eens te stellen in het Engelstage Cura deel van dit forum. Cura heeft (te) veel opties en het zou me niet verbazen als het mogelijk is wat jij wilt. Een andere optie die je kunt proberen is 'ironing'. Deze optie gaat aan het einde van de print nogmaals over de bovenste horizontale vlakken om ze glad te strijken. Werkt verrassend goed. Tip: Kijk in de preview van Cura of de bewegingen zijn zoals je wilt voordat je weer een print start. Je kan dit als een soort film afspelen zodat je exact ziet wat de printkop gaat doen.
  21. Die vertraging is vreemd. Welk merk + type printer gebruik je en welke Cura versie?
  22. Zou je mij de log files willen mailen? Mail naar mijn account op dit forum: klik op mijn avatar, en dan op mijn profielpagina bovenaan op 'Message'.
  23. Een printer die zichzelf herstart is heel uitzonderlijk. Alle bekende fouten worden afgevangen en resulteren in een melding op het scherm, of worst case, een scherm dat niet meer reageert. De enige redenen die ik ken voor de printer herstarten zijn hardware gerelateerd, d.w.z. bijvoorbeeld geheugendefecten of voedingspanning. De printer heeft lang stilgestaan. Mogelijk lopen de X- en Y-assen zwaar, de motoren trekken dan extra piekstromen en kunnen een spanningdip veroorzaken. https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011597819-Lubricate-the-Ultimaker-3-axles Probeer dit en stuur mij tevens de logbestanden van je printer. Onder System / Maintenance / Diagnostics / Dump logs to USB. Email de bestanden naar mijn account op dit forum (klik op mijn avatar en dan bovenaan mijn profielscherm op 'message').
  24. Great you finally found the problem cause. When you describe it like this it sounds all logical, but it was a difficult thing to figure out. Thanks for sharing your findings so hopefully others can benefit.
  25. Thanks for posting your request. Feedback like this helps us to understand how people are using the printers and how we can improve the workflow. I can't promise if or when this will be implemented but I like the request and forwarded it to our product owner.
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