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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. At least one bug was fixed. It could be that there is another bug. But to fix that, we need logs.
  2. Have you tried slicing and printing a simple object like a cylinder? If your firmware does not support arc movements, don't use this plugin. Other than that it is hard to diagnose what is going on without pictures, screenshots and/or any information about the printer and firmware you use.
  3. It has never not been there, though lately it is having issues as you've noticed. You can always use google and use the "site:community.ultimaker.com" addition to search only this forum. Eg: https://www.google.com/search?q=search+topics+site%3Acommunity.ultimaker.com
  4. Try using normal supports instead of tree supports ("Support Structure" setting)
  5. No, you don't; Postprocessing scripts persist between sessions, are saved with projects, etc. You are making this hard for yourself by ignoring the options that Cura gives you and trying to reinvent the wheel.
  6. In that case... The materials are xml files. You should be able to add something like this: <cura:setting key="machine_extruder_start_code"> ;put your material-specific extruder start code here M117 Hello material! </cura:setting> (I have not tested this, but I can't really think of a good reason why it would not work)
  7. Then add a postprocessing script. One or more Search and Replace scripts will do, or you can write your own postprocessing script that does exactly what you want.
  8. Please help testing this development snapshot of Sidebar GUI which adds compatibility with Cura 4.11. You know the drill: download the file and drop it onto the buildvolume in Cura.
  9. I completely misunderstood what you were trying to do. You are making a "theme". I thought you were making a color scheme in layerview, and somehow wanted to access the value of the particular setting you pointed to.
  10. If you open the extruder configuration in the top bar, you can disable extruder 0.
  11. Do you mean ` "wall_line_width_x"? Here's an (always up to date) list that matches the label with the setting name: http://files.fieldofview.com/cura/Replacement_Patterns.html PS: that certainly looks green...
  12. I know, I know. But there have been a lot of subtle and not so subtle changes to the QML that I need to work around in order to have the plugin still look acceptable. Because I patch the QML files "in place", small visual changes can have big effects for the Sidebar GUI plugin. The new icon sizes also vary in line widths a lot more, and I have to adapt some of the ways I use the icons for a consistent look. All this has to be done in a way that it does not break the look of the plugin with Cura 4.10 and before. Not an insurmountable amount of work, but something that will take some time nevertheless.
  13. What you could try is save the gcode to disk, and then use Printrun to print instead of Cura: https://www.pronterface.com/
  14. Don't you just love when printer manufacturers cripple open source firmware for no apparent reason?
  15. Doesn't the Ender 3 have "unprintable areas" to compensate for the bed clips? The unprintable areas don't scale when you edit the buildplate dimensions, so they would end up somewhere in the "middle" of the buildplate if you increase the buildvolume. From my memory, it would be better to use the Ender 3 Pro instead, because it does not have the same unprintable areas.
  16. You could use the "Custom FFF Printer" option.
  17. Only if someone submits a profile for it. Ultimaker does not create third party printer profiles, but will accept "pull requests" from community members or printer manufacturers who have written a working printer profile for their printer(s).
  18. There's the one on the front panel of the machine. I think you can even plug a USB hub in there.
  19. To users of the Sidebar GUI plugin: It will take some time before that plugin is compatible with this new release, due to the changes to the UI (changes involved with the new icons etc). I hope to have a beta version of the plugin ready before the end of the beta period of Cura 4.11.
  20. The tool is, in fact, still in the Marketplace. I'm not sure if the plugin has been "approved" for Essentials users though. You may want to log out of your Ultimaker account in Cura (temporarily) and see if the plugin is in the Marketplace when logged out. The whole Essentials scheme is a bit of a nightmare for me as a plugin creator.
  21. Please stop referring to this version as 4.1.1! It is version 4.11. Four point eleven, not four point one point one. Cura 4.1 was released years ago. It is hard enough as is to get people to say what version of Ultimate Cure or Ulti Curare they are using without Team Ultimaker making up version numbers.
  22. Argh, no, please don't you start too! 4.11 != 4.1.1
  23. The problem with all modifications of the UM3/S5/S3 firmware is that the firmware is not open source. So there is no legal way to distribute those changes. Also because there is no infrastucture in place for Ultimaker to incorporate 3rd party changes to the firmware, it would be up to the creator of the modifications to keep updating the modified firmware.
  24. I call 4 out of 5 lines fixed a success. There is no easy way to prevent Cura from putting that T0 there (from the top of my head). You can try to remove it though, using a Search and Replace postprocessing script.
  25. Cura checks if you add a heatup sequence in your start gcode. If you don't, it adds its own heatup before your start gcode. If you don't want Cura to add these lines, make sure your start gcode contains lines which have {material_print_temperature_layer_0} and {material_bed_temperature_layer_0} in them respectively (exactly as typed, Cura will replace the {}-text with the temperatures). eg: G21 ;metric values G90 ;absolute positioning M82 ;set extruder to absolute mode M107 ;start with the fan off ; etc M140 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0} ;Start heating bed M190 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0} ;Wait for bed to reach temp before proceeding M104 S{material_print_temperature_layer_0} ;Start heating extruder M109 S{material_print_temperature_layer_0} ;Wait for extruder to reach temp before proceeding ;etc Having this in your start gcode prevents Cura from putting heatup commands in front of your start gcode. This means that you can insert your T-1 command anywhere you want to relative to your heatup commands.
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