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Everything posted by tinkergnome

  1. Ich fürchte, jetzt steh' ich grad auf'm Schlauch... In welchem Menü kann man die Z-Achse um 0.2mm senken...?
  2. i use the Cura releases from @burtoogle, maybe "Compact Prime Tower" is only available for those (dunno) 🤷‍♂️
  3. I may be wrong, but i somehow doubt that Cura is of any use for resin printers. HE should use the slicer that is provided with the printer.
  4. That's the standard behavior of the prime tower since several Cura versions, i guess it's (somehow) intended? 🤷‍♂️ You can enable "Compact Prime Tower", this works better for dual color prints (IMHO). In addition i would place the prime tower closer to the model and preferable between the extruder pre-heat position in the front and the model (more direct traveling path). What are "retraction marks"? Can you show a picture?
  5. i think so... extruder specific scripts are not needed (what would you expect there....? and i guess (not sure) the nozzle diameter is hidden, because there are several pre-defined "variants" for each extruder (which can be selected from the drop-down list in the settings panel)
  6. Du hast es leider nicht dazu geschrieben, aber ich nehme an, die Frage bezieht sich auf Cura? Der Düsendurchmesser ist aus dem generierten gcode bestenfalls sehr indirekt abzuleiten. Jedenfalls gibt es kein gcode-Kommando dafür - es könnte evtl. in einem Kommentare stehen? Was ist das denn für ein gcode-Analyzer? Ich kann mir vorstellen, das man solche Dinge direkt im Analyzer konfigurieren muss. Falls wir von Cura sprechen: Der "normale" Weg wäre eine Druckerdefinition mit sogenannten "Varianten". Dann kann man den Düsendurchmesser (die "Variante") in den normalen "Settings" einfach aus einer Liste auswählen - wie bei den Ultimaker-Definitionen. Dafür müssen aber diverse *.json Dateien angelegt bzw. geändert werden. Das wäre die Aufgabe vom Druckerhersteller, wenn Cura unterstützt wird. In der "AnyCubic"-Definition steht als Autor "TheTobby", vielleicht kann man ihn/sie über GitHub kontaktieren? Im Installationverzeichnis von Cura (bzw. im AppImage - je nach Betriebssystem) gibt es ein Verzeichnis "resources". Die wichtigsten (zusammengehörigen) Konfigurationsdateien befinden sich (unterhalb von "resources") in "definitions", "extruders", "quality" und "variants". Wenn es auch noch eigene "quality"-Profile für den Drucker gibt (wie in diesem Fall), wird das allerdings schnell zu einem umfangreichen Projekt - je nachdem, wie viele Druck-Materialien man unterstützen möchte. Du könntest die Creality-Definitionen als Beispiel nehmen, um zu sehen, wie es dort gelöst ist. Natürlich nur, wenn Du Ambitionen hast, dort selbst Hand anzulegen... 🙂 Wie meine Vorredner schon erwähnt haben, es würde auch reichen, einfach die Linienstärke anzupassen. Der "nozzle diameter" wird von der CuraEngine sonst nicht weiter benötigt oder benutzt. Der "Workaround" mit einem zweiten Drucker funktioniert bestimmt auch.
  7. I made a parametric sketch and used a radius that is equal to the wrench size (because it "looks right" 😏). It turned out that it scales quite well for usual sizes of threaded nuts. I hope one can see it:
  8. There's no generally answer to this question. Regulations can be very different in every location of the world. I guess you have to ask your local waste management company. Of course one still needs to know the exact material first...
  9. G280 is responsible for the initial material feeding. The additional parameter S1 prevents the "blob". It should be sufficient to substitute lines 31 - 32 for reference: https://community.ultimaker.com/topic/20717-prime-blob-knocked-down-curaum3/?do=findComment&comment=197317 https://community.ultimaker.com/topic/20717-prime-blob-knocked-down-curaum3/?do=findComment&comment=197505
  10. @geert_2 - you can modify the shape of the pocket a bit, makes assembling much easier and distributes forces a bit better:
  11. In der Stückliste ist das Material angegeben als "TFM 1600 PTFE", ich hab es hier mal rot markiert. Wenn das bei Deinem PrintCore fehlt, würde ich das reklamieren... 🙂 Hier ist ein reales Bild von allen Einzelteilen, dort ist der "Insert" auch zu sehen:
  12. Das ist 3 Jahre her... wie die Zeit vergeht...
  13. Wenn "Support Interface" aktiviert ist, kann man den Extruder dafür separat auswählen. Im Cura-Handbuch sind die Support-Optionen ziemlich ausführlich erklärt (zur Not mit Google-Translate übersetzen): https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/52663-support
  14. IMHO it's worth it. There are tons if video tutorials on youtube. FreeCAD is free to use, no network connection, no registration and no (time-limited) licenses needed (donations are welcome of course). The usual workflow is quite close to Fusion 360 (though not the user interface) and it can export mesh files (stl) that are well suited for 3D-printing. In case of Fusion 360 you'll never know how long it works offline. It insists to contact the license server every few weeks (AFAIK) and it performs automatic updates that can't be prevented. If the "free of charge" license model (or any other) comes to an end some day... you'll never be able to read your own files again... I don't say this will happen anytime soon, but it's a risk. Those things aside - it's very powerful and the quasi standard nowadays.
  15. 282 is the default value for the (older) UM2 with non-geared feeder (and motor with 400 steps/rev). Default for UM2+ - with the geared feeder (and 200 steps/rev. motor) - is 369 You can use and modify the source files from Ultimaker, but don't forget, that the changed e-steps is not the only modification from Bondtech. The feedrate during material change was reduced as well. Link to UM2+ Configuration.h: https://github.com/Ultimaker/UM2.1-Firmware/blob/UM2.1_JarJar/Marlin/Configuration.h#L369 The easiest way is: use "pronterface/printrun" to get a serial (USB) connection to the printer. Marlin firmware reports all relevant settings in the terminal window after the connection is established. Or you can send "M503" to the printer to get the same output. http://www.pronterface.com/ Good luck!
  16. yes, maybe - but that's only one more point that a plugin would need to know to be able to generate a properly start script. And it would not work anymore, if the reason of the interruption was a power outage. Who knows - but it seems to be a pretty long list of things to consider, if a generally accepted solution is the goal... 🤷‍♂️ A quick hack would be: manual editing of the gcode file. If one knows all external circumstances it should be indeed no rocket science. 🙂
  17. Just to be sure: That means you have installed the Firmware from Bondtech and made a factory reset as described in the instructions? Or did you made something different...? And on a second hand printer one has to ask... Are you sure it still has the genuine feeder motor (e-steps were at the default 369 before)? That sounds wrong... It should never be necessary to use a flow rate other than 100%. some more questions... You use the default printer definition in Cura (gcode flavor "Ultimaker")? All material settings on the printer are correct (filament diameter)? How have you verified the printing temperature?
  18. Well, most printers have to move to a reference (home) position as the first step. How can be assured that this is possible without colliding with the (half printed) part? It will be very unlikely for the usual Prusa/CR-10 like printers (for example). And you have to assure that any automatic bed leveling is skipped, some printers prime (and/or wipe) the nozzles somewhere and so on and on... Such a plugin would need deep knowledge about the actual printer to avoid all pitfalls (and any possible damage to the printer). I would be surprised if we see such functions in an open (non-proprietary) software anytime soon. It would be indeed much easier and safer, if the manufacturer adds such functions to the particular firmware... (just my 2ct.)
  19. First of all - using a raft on Ultimaker printers is very unusual - with the exception of very special use cases. I guess you'll get more complete answers if you elaborate a bit more the reasons why you are experimenting with rafts nowadays. You don't mention which slicing software you use. Default settings usually produce a small gap between the last layer of raft and the actual model. That's probably the cause of the problem and this distance can be set to zero, if PVA is involved (but I'm just guessing - a picture of your model would be nice). In Cura it's called "Raft Air Gap". Active leveling on UM3 is nice if it works, but not mandatory. You can configure it to "never", ensure that the nozzles are clean and do a manual leveling from time to time. That's totally sufficient.
  20. In Cura - Machine settings - change the GCode-Flavor to "Marlin". "Ultimaker"-Flavor works only if the print is started from sdcard.
  21. https://ultimakernasupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004324223-Printhead-Parts-Ultimaker-2-#Print Head Block
  22. In short: yes, it should be that simple. Just choose the correct definition: #define MOTHERBOARD 72 ...or for newer Marlin version you can use the definition from boards.h as well: #define MOTHERBOARD BOARD_ULTIMAIN_2 I'm not sure how (or where) the pin definitions are included nowadays..., the correct configuration seems to be in: "pins_ULTIMAIN_2.h"
  23. M142 gcode still works for me like mentioned in this post: https://community.ultimaker.com/topic/15555-inside-the-ultimaker-3-day-1-gcode/?do=findComment&comment=160455 note that the parameters are in lowercase (which is quite unusual for gcode) ...but it is well possible that devices with newer manufacturing dates are not equipped with rgb led-stripes anymore? 🤷‍♂️ You can try to use the (official) API - the documentation is reachable from the printers home-page.
  24. Where are you located? Buildtak clearly offers the flexplate system for the S5 with "PEI surface only" (at least here in Europe). Basically you can use it with every build surface that can withstand the heat from the nozzles. That includes the UM-Adhesion sheets, PEI and probably a few more - but not the common (black) buildtak-sheets. I have no personal experiences with the S5 though.
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