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Everything posted by tinkergnome

  1. Well, that's a different thing than Octoprint. It will connect the printer to the Geeetech cloud and uses an Android / iOS app to control basic functions of the printer. You can print objects from the cloud gallery, but you can't upload your own gcode files (as far as i can see). If this is what you want and expect - it should work fine.
  2. Lol, "Meshmixer" and "intuitive" are terms that i would not use in the same sentence...🙂 In Meshmixer: - "Edit" -> "Separate Shells" (the object browser shows up with a list of separate shells) - select a single part - "Export" as *.stl Or in a recent version of Cura: - go to the Marketplace and install the "Mesh Tools" plugin from @ahoeben - this gives you a new menu entry: "Extensions" -> "Mesh Tools" -> "Split model into parts"
  3. Sounds like you are looking for "Merged Meshes Overlap" in Cura, it's in the section "Mesh Fixes" (search for "overlap", if it is not visible).
  4. In "package.sh" you can explore the additional "DEFINES" for each variant. This may help if you want to compile a specific variant with a different method. For compiling on Windows i run the build script inside of "Git Bash", which was included in the "Git for Windows" installation (if i'm not wrong...) Depending on your environment you may need to change some of the path variables in the build script or in "Makefile". In the case from above probably the "HARDWARE_SRC" path in Makefile. This path has changed several times in the past, it depends on the used Arduino version. Simply locate the sub-directory that contains "wiring.c" to determine the correct path. ....but: while "package.sh" creates the *.hex" files for you, it does not solve the upload problem. So I'm not sure, if it is of any help for your particular problem?
  5. Für welchen Drucker / Firmware soll das benutzt werden? Dieses Skript ist nicht für Ultimaker Drucker gedacht (soweit ich weiß). Es gibt aber vermutlich Drucker mit Marlin- (Firmware-) Versionen, wo es funktionieren könnte.
  6. Weird..., perhaps an older Cura version behaves different? You can even use the "legacy Cura" (15.04.6) to upload firmware. At least it's worth a try. Sources are in the "Tinker" repository, branch "Mark2": https://github.com/TinkerGnome/Ultimaker2Marlin/tree/Mark2
  7. Creality benutzt für die Beispieldateien eine ältere Cura-Variante von 2016 (Version 15.04.xx). Die Windows-Version war (früher zumindest) auf der mitgelieferten SD-Karte enthalten. Damit können die Druckeinstellungen aus den Beispieldateien ausgelesen werden (File -> Load Profile from GCode...) Vielleicht versuchst Du es erstmal damit (zum Vergleichen) oder überträgst die Einstellungen in die neue Cura-Version (soweit möglich)?
  8. i don't know how the camera API is intended to work, Cura uses the following URL to receive the camera stream:
  9. "Ultimaker North America Support" (or fbrc8.com) is always a good source for such things: https://ultimakernasupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004324223-Printhead-Parts-Ultimaker-2-#PTFE Coupler
  10. There are two ways to perform a factory reset. 1. if an UltiController is installed, it's in the "Control" menu - "Restore failsafe" and a subsequent "Store memory" 2. with GCode command M502, followed by M500, sent on a serial console like (e.g.) pronterface Bed leveling assistant is integrated in Cura AFAIK (in machine settings)?
  11. Correct, it should be possible to switch unused I/O-pins with a simple G42 (gcode-) command.
  12. Just to be sure and because you don't mention it: I hope you are aware that this needs some more electronics in between (some kind of amplifier circuit, perhaps plus a relay or SSR). Arduino pins only provide a few mA... don't connect anything to it without a look at the datasheet. one of those should work: https://www.amazon.com/McIgIcM-Channel-Raspberry-Optocoupler-Expansion/dp/B07Q13VTP5
  13. i have doubts that it's worth the effort, but there are some instructions in this thread:
  14. i can't help with PHP, but this one here seems to be a working curl command:
  15. @obrterry what are you trying to achieve with this post processing script? It does nothing more than adding a line with gcode M117 for every layer. What happens, if you remove the script entirely? Or with other words: are you sure that the displayed filename is related at all to a gcode command? And are you sure that the firmware of your printer interprets M117 commands in the way that you expect?
  16. The trick is to look for "ERROR" - in capital letters - there are only a few. 🙂 There are no public instructions or explanations about these files that i'm aware of. Personally i would compare the file content with similar files in the same directory (if any). I guess you can simply delete (or move) the file and it will be re-created during the next start of Cura. (but keep the according *.json files). If this doesn't work, you need someone that is more familiar with Cura config files...
  17. simply search for the keyword "ERROR" and you'll find: [...]\AppData\Roaming\cura\4.0\extruders\custom_extruder_7+%232.extruder.cfg: custom_extruder_7 #2: Missing required section 'general' or 'version' property
  18. "cura.log" will give you some hints. It's located in the configuration folder. https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/wiki/Cura-Preferences-and-Settings-Locations
  19. @TFull - das wird du jetzt nicht gern hören, aber in dem Punkt kann ich Gerd nur zustimmen... Grad die UM2 Serie ist nun nicht unbedingt dafür bekannt, extreme Überhänge besonders gut drucken zu können. 🤷‍♂️ Die Konstruktion ist halt schon ein paar Jahre alt und die Zeit bleibt nicht stehen... Manche Anwender haben einige Verbesserungen mit modifizierten Lüftern (und/oder Lüftergehäusen) erzielt, aber mit dem Standard-Setup wird es nicht viel besser werden... Mein Favorit ist diese Idee, leider weilt der Autor nicht mehr unter uns... 😢 https://www.youmagine.com/designs/35x35-12vdc-um2-family-centrifugal-fan-shroud
  20. It depends... During "normal" firmware updates all stored (EEPROM-) settings are not touched or changed. That means, steps/mm will remain on the stored value - whatever it is... And you can't perform a manual factory reset in this stage... As a hack: if you switch back and forth between the firmware variants for UM2 and UM2+, an implicit factory reset is performed. I would connect the printer with the USB cable and a serial console (for example printrun or Octoprint). The start messages show all stored parameters and you can "simulate" a factory reset with the gcode command M502, followed by M500. This can be done at any time and without to complete the "first run wizard".
  21. Well, as one of the first steps you have to provide any new mainboard with the correct firmware for your printer - preferable before you put it into the printer... But by now this is already done, if i understand your description right? In addition: if you double the microstep setting you have to double the setting for steps/mm as well (from 200 to 400). And please do not use aluminium foil.... 🙂
  22. The schematics can be found here: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker-Original-Plus/tree/master/1091_Main_board_v2.1.1_(x1) It seems like TP46-TP49 are connected to the output pins of the stepper driver. ...while the pin numbers from pins.h are related to pins of the mega2560 (this are just two different things). In addition: Marlin firmware uses the Arduino pin mapping: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Hacking/PinMapping2560 For example: #define X_DIR_PIN 23 You can see in the schematics that pin PA1 from the mega2560 is connected to the "DIR" input on the stepper driver for the x-axis. And the Arduino pin mapping shows that PA1 = digital pin 23.
  23. Eine statische IP-Adresse alleine verhindert nicht die Firmware-Updates (zur Cloud kann ich nichts sagen). Ich vermute, das je nach Netzwerk-Route noch irgendwo eine Firewall oder ein Proxy-Server im Weg steht und der Drucker dadurch nicht "nach Hause telefonieren" kann. Die IT-Abteilung sollte aber in der Lage sein, herauszubekommen, wo es hängen bleibt.
  24. short question: Where do you see a 'default' retraction speed and how do you know that it is set to 25 mm/s? Is this related to Cura or is it a firmware setting?
  25. What's the printing temperature? There's a firmware feature called "cold extrusion prevention" with a minimum temperature of 170°C per default, but it can be changed with a gcode command, see: or...: https://reprap.org/wiki/G-code#M302:_Allow_cold_extrudes
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