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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. Have you already tried reinstalling that latest version (4.3.3)?
  2. What printer model and firmware version do you have?
  3. With some basic coding skills OpenSCAD might also be interesting for geometrical objects.
  4. Diese Länge ist in der Firmware hardcoded. Je nach Druckermodell kann man natürlich die Quelle herunterladen, die Länge anpassen und neu kompilieren. Wenn Du nur einen oder zwei Zentimeter gekürzt hast, dann sollte das aber mit etwas weniger weit reinschieben beim Laden kompensierbar sein. Mehr würde ich sowieso nicht kürzen, da sonst die Bowden Tube Knicke bekommen kann. Die Bowden Tube gibt es bei Ultimaker Resellern als Ersatzteil; ein Austausch wäre da empfohlen.
  5. As for the cooperation with large material manufacturers, you can see from the UM press releases (and displayed on the main website) which companies have a collaboration with UM - so far, DSM and Owens Corning were published. If you check their portfolio, you might see what you can expect. It is pretty obvious that with the new print core abrasive materials are on top of the priority list, i.e. any functional material together with some chopped fibers might belong to those materials.
  6. The information about November 13th was there from day 1 (you can trust me as an UM ambassador and UM reseller on that). Maybe that distributor was actually referring to November 15th?
  7. That information is not correct. Officially the core will become available as from November 13th; see https://ultimaker.com/en/blog/52718-our-complete-solution-3d-printing-with-high-performance-plastics-and-composites
  8. Do you have a local and a network S5 in Cura? One could have been created by a project. Cura might confuse them and check the one which has not stored the cost information for. But it's just a speculation as it seems to work for me.
  9. New features are best requested on Github. If it is a slicer feature, you can submit it here: https://github.com/ultimaker/curaengine/issues If it is rather a GUI feature, you can submit it here: https://github.com/ultimaker/cura/issues If you are not sure which of the two, I would rather use the second one.
  10. Der geschickte Benutzer nimmt die Glasplatte raus zum Einsprühen... ?
  11. My next test would be to install the latest firmware (again) from USB stick.
  12. Because then you will have to adjust all the files immediately when the beta comes out so they work with the stable release. Maybe even earlier. Remember that e.g. this time there were only two weeks between beta and stable release. A plugin can be updated later, after the stable release and people can download whenever the people in charge of the Mark2 Cura files found the time to adjust them for the new version.
  13. When you have no reseller nearby it certainly makes sense. But maybe you want to cross-check shipping costs as shipping from Sweden is rather on the expensive side...
  14. So you have no possibility to get into the main menu? What happens when the printer does not have an internet connection? If you have it on LAN, it's easy to test, on WiFi, you maybe can switch off the router/access point or move the printer somewhere outside the range of the router/access point.
  15. Are you talking about static discharge while it is off? That can happen especially after unboxing. In the other case (a printer that would charge up by the power supply), please contact your reseller.
  16. All Bondtech feeders are based on the same types of drive gears which grab the filament from both sides. The gears are made from hardened steel and have a protective coating (you can read it e.g. here: https://www.bondtech.se/en/product/drivegear-kits/). So it is very wear resistant. In case you want to print a super abrasive material and the Bondtech gear would show some wear-off (which I doubt), you could replace just the gears, it's available as a spare part. I never had a problem with my Bondtech feeder, it's very reliable. And the good thing about the DDG is that it is a drop-in replacement for the Ultimaker 3/2+ feeder. As for the new core I just used it in connection with the S5 feeder so far and for a quick test on the UM3 with the original UM3 feeder (which is ok if you don't do it too often). It seems there is no Bondtech reseller yet in the Netherlands but e.g. in Germany you may find multiple ones that are also Ultimaker resellers.
  17. The fan shroud is usually not a part that a reseller has in his webshop. But he can sell you the part if you ask him. You can find the British resellers here: https://ultimaker.com/en/resellers?c=GB
  18. Using the PLA settings and increasing the print temperature by something like 10 degC should do the job.
  19. And don't forget that all the material you can remove before you put it into water does not have to be dissolved. Sometimes it also helps for this to put the part into water for 10 minutes or so and then remove the resulting goo before you put it back into fresh water.
  20. @Zwakie The new CC 0.6mm RED print core together with a Bondtech DDG V2 feeder for the UM3 might be exactly the bundle you need. What country are you in?
  21. @P3D I also get it with Cura 3.5 on layer 24. But it works with Cura 3.4.1.
  22. Für kleine Objekte kann eine Temperaturreduktion hilfreich sein. Zudem sollten Retractions möglichst vermieden werden; zwei statt eines zu drucken ist bei Flexmaterial nicht unbedingt von Vorteil.
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