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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. Touch screen is still on (screen saver mode with only the printer name on it).
  2. Same here. Print queue history is empty after the update.
  3. You could always disable the leds on an UM3 since a firmware version around 3.7.7 or even before. The latest firmware version of the S5 5.1.7 also lets you disable the leds completely. (edited 06.11.2018, see also later post)
  4. Those IT guys might wonder why 3.5 has not been delayed a bit for that purpose.
  5. What about collecting new features a bit longer and bring new minor versions only twice a year? This would take some pressure from the poor IT guys who have to install a new Cura version every two months (in bigger companies).
  6. Yes. Just did the firmware update on my demo machine. Worked flawlessly.
  7. Good thing is that the Swedish have a solution for (almost) anything. ? UM3 users can e.g. get a @bondtech DDG Feeder set for the UM3 which is a drop-in replacement with a hardened and coated steel gear that grabs the filament from both sides and is designed for regular usage of abrasive materials.
  8. In addition to what @Smithy already wrote about the axles, please do not use the Magnalube on them but the Unilube.
  9. I would open the lever of feeder 2 and pull the filament back... ?
  10. It's maybe the minimum layer time that slows it down. Do you use the spiralize function?
  11. I don't want to interrupt a dialog here but just a rhetorical question: There is no MAC filter on that WiFi, right?
  12. It's a bug in Cura, Cura Connect and the Ultimaker app. I thought it would be fixed with Cura 3.5 but obviously that fix takes a bit longer. Maybe @Marco_TvM can give us an update on this?
  13. These are possible reasons that come to my mind: Because there are not that many 3d printers with 2.85mm filament in Australia? Because you don't tell what brand that filament is? If it is some no-name filament: because people prefer quality filament from known brands?
  14. Die Düse kannst Du ja ganz einfach von unten her lösen und austauschen (30 Sekunden), d.h. Du schraubst sie aus dem Olsson Block, der beim UM2+ Standard ist, heraus. Für den Austausch des TFM Isolators musst Du den Druckkopf teilzerlegen. Das sollte aber nach 295 Druckstunden noch nicht nötig sein. Die Olsson Rubindüse ist für abrasives Filament gedacht, vollständig mit den Messingdüsen kompatibel und kann natürlich auch nicht-abrasives Filament drucken. Und sonst dauert es ja wieder 30s um "zurückzubauen".
  15. Encoder (mechanisch). Kannst Du den Stream sehen? Den findest Du unter drucker-ip:8080/?action=stream
  16. After active leveling the second print core should not be heated anymore when not used anymore in the same print. Did you observer something else? Fully agree. Let's see what future firmware upgrades will bring...
  17. You mean for the active leveling? Well, the S5 does perform a z offset calibration right at the beginning of the active leveling so there might be material hanging from the second nozzle and therefore it has to be heated.
  18. Du kannst versuchen, die Acceleration settings und die Jerk settings in Cura auszuschalten. Damit ändern sich die Beschleunigungen und der Drucker "geht schneller um die Ecke". Allerdings wirst Du damit massives Ringing (Schatten der Ecken) bekommen.
  19. In addition I would recommend to put an AA core in slot 2 if you don't use the second material for some time but perform single extrusion prints. The reason is that the active leveling heats both cores up and that means an unnecessary heat up of the BB core with the rest of PVA inside.
  20. There is no network driver for any Ultimaker printer (so far). However, your IT department has to make sure that necessary ports are open in order to allow communication between Cura and printer. For information about those ports and protocols please contact your Ultimaker reseller. edit: almost forgot: welcome to the Ultimaker community ?
  21. Never tell me the odds ? I agree, that's why I wrote "adhesion will not fail" and not "the print will not fail"... the adhesion sheets really hold PC very nicely down. Of course you can always imagine someone doing something stupid like smearing oil on the adhesion sheets but with at least average intelligent people using the printer I still think my statement is pretty safe.
  22. Es gibt zwei Dinge welche die Netzwerkverbindung stabiler machen. Zum Einen ist das, den Drucker manuell in Cura mit der IP Adresse zu erfassen statt Cura jedes Mal automatisch finden zu lassen. Damit das funktioniert sollte (das wäre das Andere) dem Drucker vom DHCP server immer die gleiche IP vergeben werden; IP reservieren heisst da also das Zauberwort.
  23. If you print it on the Ultimaker adhesion sheets with the printer front closed adhesion will not fail. You might want to consider to print more than one at once as the bed has to heat up to 107 degC. That takes quite a while (about 15 min).
  24. There are two work-arounds: update with an USB stick and installation of the testing version and the again of the stable version. The first one is probably safer.
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