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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. Why would you want four point leveling as 3 points define a plane? To have an overdefined system in order to reduce errors?
  2. Probably you will have to make your own profiles for those two materials. For PLLA you probably can start with the PLA profile adjusting a few settings. PCL could be more tricky as such low print temperatures are maybe not allowed (cannot check Cura atm).
  3. Switch combing off or to "no skin" setting.
  4. @3ddrucker I fear you will not get many answers here as this topic deals with the Ultimaker AMA (the meaning is not that one can ask here anything ?). I recommend to put the post somewhere in the Hardware section.
  5. That might become pretty messy with the Bowden tubes.
  6. On my first try I had the issue that an infill density I put in automatically switched back to the default value in detailed settings.
  7. Well, no. Depending on the material it might ooze that much the ooze length is longer than the z offset. And then it leaves that trail on the tower and not on the print itself.
  8. Cura doesn't like to make large detours while combing. A detour length setting as in S3D would be nice. However you can maybe improve the situation by disabling the "avoid printed parts" option. But you probably will not get rid of all the cross travels. Using the "optimize perimeter" option might also help.
  9. If you don't use active leveling make sure both printcores are well leveled, i.e. make sure the z offset is set correctly. Otherwise perform an active leveling with clean nozzles.
  10. It works nicely with 750g spools and keeps the filament dry. But you have to keep in mind it has additional tubing and therefore adds additional friction to the filament path. This means you may want/have to choose the filament path between Polybox and feeder in a clever way, adjust feeder pressure onto the filament and/or compensate the decreased filament flow.
  11. I somehow miss the connection between your random statement and the AMA topic. Do you want an AMA with someone from testing?
  12. You can sink yor object into the buildplate by moving it with the blue arrow of the move tool. You can even set it numerically.
  13. Better keep it below 35% r.h. and never let the clogged PVA carbonize so far you cannot melt filament anymore which you push from above at print core cleaning.
  14. The feature request was closed due to 12 week inactivity: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/2636#issuecomment-363005161
  15. You can increase the top and bottom thickness and set infill to zero. That should do the job if I got you right.
  16. Speaking of graphic cards: I have a wish for the Cura devs. While all the new views in Cura are pretty cool they often require an update to the newest version of the graphics drivers. This is sometimes an issue in companies (aka UM's primary customers) where drivers are only updated after IT services tested them with all the software used in the company which can take a while. My wish: implement only graphic features and code which run with graphic drivers half a year old.
  17. I would say the odds are smaller than 1:100 you don't get a clog.
  18. Using PVA in an AA core is a good way to make oneself quickly unhappy...
  19. Zu Beginn mache ich mal das, was einige User auch auf Thingiverse machen: einen Haftungsausschluss. Das Folgende wiederspiegelt meine Meinung / Erfahrung und muss nicht zwangsläufig mit der gültigen Rechtssprechung, insbesondere der amerikanischen, übereinstimmen. Die amerikanische Rechtssprechung ist sicher im Fall von Thingiverse die relevante, weil Thingiverse ja Makerbot bzw. Stratasys gehört. Das hat sich auch unlängst darin gezeigt, dass die Walt Disney Company Thingiverse auf rechtlichem Weg gezwungen hat, Designs mehrerer User vom Netz zu nehmen, da diese Designs Markenrechte von Walt Disney verletzt hätten. Geht es umgekehrt um die Haftung von Schäden bei der Benutzung von gedruckten Objekten mit Vorlage von Thingiverse oder anderen 3D-Modell-Plattformen so mag es Unterschiede zwischen europäischem und amerkanischem Recht geben. Geht man mal von europäischem Recht aus, so gilt z.B. bei Maschinen, dass der Betreiber die Verantwortung hat und damit für Folgeschäden haftbar gemacht werden kann, wenn er z.B. Sicherheitshinweise nicht beachtet hat (z.B. ungenügender Schutz bei Laseranlagen). In der Vergangenheit wurde hier im Forum auch über den Fall von gedrucktem Kinderspielzeug diskutiert (Materialwahl, Verletzungsrisiko bei Kaputtgehen etc.). Hier ist wohl am Besten der gesunde Menschenverstand anzuwenden: Wenn Du nicht willst, dass sich Dein Kind an einem scharfkantigem Bruchstück verletzt, dann gib ihm kein gedrucktes Spielzeug. Was sicher ist und was nicht, muss dann jeder selbst entscheiden. Gleiches gilt bei Tieren (ich würde sicher nicht einem Hund etwas gedrucktes geben, das er verbeissen kann). Zusammengefasst würde ich sagen, die Verwendung von Designs von Thingiverse o.ä. geschieht auf eigenes Risiko (es kann ja auch an den Druckeinstellungen liegen wenn etwas bricht was nicht sollte). Umgekehrt wird zwar kaum jemand einen Design-Urheber einklagen, aber je nach Gegenstand kann ein Haftungsausschluss Sinn machen.
  20. Alle Ultimaker Motoren sollten in Deutschland entweder bei iGo3D direkt oder bei einem gut ausgestatteten Reseller erhältlich sein.
  21. Got it. Just got an idea for the (far?) future. The uppermost part of the hull induces small layers on the cabin as well of course. The same effect might occur if you have multiple objects on your build plate. So the idea is that one could e.g. print "more vertical" parts at a multiple layer height compared to "more horizontal" parts. But that requires an algorithm which can separate an object into connected and not connected parts. edit: btw. I was confused as I somehow expected the better layer quality to be on the right of the scale (no specific reason for that). But as the scale is about the absolute layer height, confusion has gone.
  22. As I understand, the larger the curvature on an object, the thinner the selected layer height gets with adaptive layer height. Then I would expect the green part at the side openings of the 3DBenchy in the following picture to go up a bit further, no? Or is that some bridging feature? The same effect can be seen in the OP picture. Would be nice to learn a bit more how the algorithm works.
  23. until
    Meet at the Ultimaker Session at the FabLab in Lucerne, Switzerland. It doesn't matter if you are interested in Ultimaker or just generally into 3D printing, everybody from tinkerers to professional users is welcome. Save the date!
  24. Ganz dumme Frage: Der Stecker vom externen Netzteil sitzt komplett in der Buchse am Drucker drinn (kann also nicht mehr rausgezogen werden ohne den Sicherungsring des Steckers zu betätigen)?
  25. Ah - I guess it was too obvious. Thanks.
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