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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. Die Temperaturen werden am UM2 direkt eingestellt; im Menu 'Materialien'. Näheres findest Du in der Anleitung (die ich übrigens nur über Google gefunden habe, da Ultimaker irgendwie alle Manuals verschwinden lassen hat oder ich einfach zu müde war, sie zu sehen). In Cura solltest Du eigentlich die Temperaturangaben deshalb gar nicht haben. Welche Cura-Version verwendest Du und welchen Drucker hast Du eingerichtet?
  2. @m2tts: Yes, this is a known issue with Cura; it sometimes has a bit troubles with thin walls. You already found one solution; setting the line width to .39 or .38 in Cura might be another. And you have to know Cura always makes double perimeters; it's a flaw IMHO, but it will take some time until it is bugfixed I guess. @SandervG: This is a very good example of the not working search engine. It would be logic to use something like 'Cura thin wall' for the search. The list of results is over 3000 items long but no topic on the first page deals with the problem looked for. And there are quite a few posts and threads about this special Cura issues... at least one of them should appear on the first result page. With Google 'Cura thin wall site:ultimaker.com' I immediatley get them all on the very first page. Please fix it or use Google for the search.
  3. It's maybe a 10 minutes fix. But also maybe the right person has to come back from holiday and spend this 10 minutes. @anders-olsson: I fully understand. To be honest, I also start to be a bit tired about the decrease of topic variety. And I also miss the mods and hacks... :(
  4. @gr5 @titus I think both of you are right. There is quite a large number of posts. But many of them are duplicates of questions asked quite a few times. Either people are too lazy too search the forum or the old posts cannot be found. Something to investigate for UM... And a lot of posts are currently about missing features of the new Cura. The deDeugd post with the missing features should somehow be more prominent. There are quite few posts about really new things. Quite some action is going on in the dual head setup section what I can see. IMHO this is mainly because it's summer. But it also means there are no new problems with Ultimaker machines. And this is certainly not a bad thing...
  5. Heat it up to about 200°C and insert filament as far as possible (until it is stuck). Take a very thin wire (e.g. from a metal brush) and push it upwardds through the nozzle opening. Be careful as you might get a quick jet of fluid plastics. Let it cool down and perform a cold pull.
  6. The nozzle is second in line of the parts which could see some changes over time, especially if you printed some abrasive filament. If you don't have it yet, do yourself (or rather your UM2... ) a favor and get an Olsson block with exchangeable nozzles with a new teflon and a new Bowden tube (which is the third part that could cause underextrusion due to scratches).
  7. @Blizz: Nozzle diameter doesn't matter for that calculation. If you use a smaller nozzle then filament is just more squeezed out of the nozzle than when using a larger nozzle. The amount extruded is determined by the layer height, the line width and the speed. No nozzle size needed...
  8. Hmm... the outer wall of that part also looks a bit thin in Cura 15.06.2. Did you have a 'fix horrible' setting activated in legacy Cura? What does the model look like in the x-ray view of legacy Cura? Any red there?
  9. @gr5: Yes and no. Yes, the forum is as active as you can expect at this time of the year (let's not forget we have a real summer in Europe while the last one has been quite miserable in some parts of the old continent). No as there are quite a number of newbies (which repeatedly ask the same questions (either they are too lazy to use the search function or the search function is still sub-optimal; I guess the latter as I had my troubles finding old posts with the new search engine...)) and quite some of the older users, UMO users / tinkerers are gone... Or with other words, George...: (not quite true, but hey, STAR WARS quotes are always a good thing).
  10. @SandervG: Hmmm... Mallorca... not too many Germans there for a Dutch guy...? (Liebe Freunde aus dem nördlichen Nachbarland: bitte keinen Shitstorm dafür, ja? ) @IRobertI: You're a clever guy as there is no healthy tan other than that one is born with (not my words but those of anti-skin-cancer initiatives). I'll have a few days off starting in a week from now. One plan so far is to assemble a HBK on my UMO (which stands in the cool basement... ).
  11. There won't be a nozzle option as you have to use the line width options.
  12. For the first issue: I had a similar problem with my custom heat bed on the UMO. I solved it by setting the front/left coordinate to numbers both negative in Marlin. The only thing you have to do in legacy Cura is to decrease the size of the build platform. Marlin is also the place where you can specify an offset for the first extruder. If you specify both offsets in Marlin, you have to set the offset for the second extruder in legacy Cura to zero.
  13. I take 'high oleic low lineolic' (HOLL) colza oil for lubricating filament. It is quite temperature resistant - I never saw smoke...
  14. Sounds as if you try to print an UMO file on an UM2.
  15. Yes, there are features of the legacy Cura which are not yet implemented into the new Cura, print-one-at-a-time is one of them. As for the TweakAtZ: There is a post-processing script engine (actually a plugin of the new style) to be implemented by Ultimaker. As soon as it is available there will also be a TweakAtZ post proc script.
  16. Same here. I guess we soon see more of such spam messages... :(
  17. @gr5: Some materials emit nano particles which penetrate even the alveole. E.g. ABS. You might remember a discussion about a bit more than a year ago. There was a scientific publication about it. It's somewhere in the forum (probably buried under a pile of blank spaces and fancy widgets... ). @Jrrifffinn: Such a filtration system would have to include a HEPA filter or even better an electrostatic precipitator.
  18. I can only support what gr5 has written above. I don't see much sense in buying a closed source desktop printer. Either you need a 3D printer with 24/7 availability, then buy a professional machine with corresponding on-site support or you buy an open source desktop printer which allows for tweaking and trying new materials etc. And as it seems you already found the best open source desktop printer...
  19. Put 'full fan at layer' to a layer number lower than the one you want to tweak. Cura ramps up the fans by setting an increased number every layer until the max specified. The option to keep the settings to the end in the TweakAtZ settings means it does not actively change it back. However if something else influence the fan speed, e.g. Cura itself, TweakAtZ does not care about. If you think the behavior of the plugin should be different, please issue a feature request at Github.
  20. Hi together Today I got the information from Ultimaker support, that for countries which have a distributor (e.g. IGO3D), support is not anymore handled by Ultimaker but by the distributor. As you may have realised you can select your country and currency for some time now here on the UM website. If you select something else than 'global' you will be redirected to the webshops of the distributors. Today I got the information that for the above mentioned countries the option of ordering directly will disappear soon. What do you think about it?
  21. What about Flow Compensation for various parts: Bottom Flow % Top Flow % Infill Flow % Support Flow % etc.. vs. the one Flow % setting that is currently available. I'm not sure this would be the right way. I still believe if everything is ok with the printer/filament one does not have to compensate the flow. I do have sometimes the necessity to increase flow (e.g. with black Ultimaker PLA) but with high quality filament I do not have this problem.
  22. As @gr5 wrote most of the bugs found by the closed beta team were fixed. However there are obviously more bugs. They could have been fixed if the present version would have been published as an RC. I was surprised this didn't happen. Here UM somehow broke with the past. But I'm glad to see e.g. @nallath to put so much effort into analysing and solving issues people find.
  23. Gone for the moment. Expected to come later. Maybe written by a community user (see the Cura plugin contest). That's a flaw. I'm unhappy with it as well. Wait until they are in or use legacy Cura. You don't need the nozzle size anymore; it's controlled by the line width settings (please see the posts above).
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