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Everything posted by glx

  1. Just in case you need on-site support or spare parts at some point, igo3d.com (Ultimaker distributor and support partner for Germany) is also based in Hannover. They carry like every part of Ultimaker Printers and the support has been very nice the few times I contacted them. Probably you can get some education-discounts on materials or other benefits (they at least have some educational program on their website).
  2. To prevent it from active levelling before every print, you can set the active levelling frequency to 'never' in the options of your UM3. To get it back working first check the cable in the back of the print head. You can see it, when you open the front fan door, it's a red/blacl cable in the back that connects to the bottom part of the printhead-door. That cable can break after a while (mostly from opening and closing the printhead often to change the cores. The cable is a 5ish Euro spare part and it can be replaced in about half an hour if you have never done it before (and way less if you already know the procedure).
  3. You can tap the ...-icon in the top right corner of the screen while printing, then select 'Tune' and scroll down to set a temperature offset. From the digital factory there's no such option (as far as I know).
  4. Kind of offtopic, but how can I report a bug for things that aren’t on GitHub? I posted a minor firmware bug (mainly a UI thing) for the S5 in the firmware release post, but I guess that’s not the correct way.. Is there a "report a bug" feature somewhere that I probably did miss?
  5. Hello :), usually there are like only "selling" posts, but I’m trying my luck with a "looking for" one anyways :). Long story short, I’m looking for a Material Station for my S5. Since I can’t justify buying a new one, I’m looking for a used one. Maybe someone wants to get rid of his or hers. I’m located in Germany and would prefer to pick it up rather than having it shipped. Feel free to post your offer here :).
  6. glx

    Firmware 7.0

    I noticed a little bug in the firmware, I’m on the latest 7.0.2. When clicking "Skip cooldown" in the …-menu after a print finished, it skips, but the menu itself doesn’t disappear. The buttons are gone but there’s the black box, that was the menu before, still on the screen. It disappears when I tap the screen. I shot a quick video:
  7. Hi, I had it happening a few times now that my S5 didn’t return to the correct z height after it resumed from a paused print (caused by empty filament if that matters). It continued too low (I’d say about 0.5mm) and dragged through the whole print destroying it. It doesn’t happen all the time so I can’t provoke that behavior. The first time I thought I probably touched the build plate and dislocated it but it happened three more times on other prints and I’m sure I didn’t touch anything. Is it probably becoming inaccurate when moving the quite heavy bed that much and fast or what could cause that issue? Probably moving just a few centimetres away would be enough when it pauses instead of going all the way down 🤔.
  8. Weiß grade nicht auswendig wie das beim 2er war, aber bei den neueren kann man die Helligkeit einfach in den Einstellungen auf einen Wert festlegen. Bei UM3 unter System - Frame light.
  9. Okay, that’s sad, it looked like a nice tool in the video ☹️. I’ll have a look into some videos to hopefully figure it out 😅😊..
  10. Hello, At the Transformation Summit there was a plugin for Cura mentioned, that guides through the creation of a material profile called "Profile Assistant". Can I get that somewhere? I got a material but it really doesn't print well on my UMs with the default profile in Cura and I'm a little lost where to start. I looked basically everywhere and wasn't able to find it. When googling it, there seemed to be a support article but it says I'm not allowed to view it 🤔. When I get it to working fine, can I contribute the profile somehow into Cura or are only manufacturers allowed to do that?
  11. You probably have to install it manually via the marketplace in Cura. But there's no profile for the UM3 yet, but it's something that's worked on (according to a forum post here).
  12. A coworker asked if things for his H0-scale trains can be 3D-printed. I made some demo parts for him. Came out better than I expected, the bridge is printed with a new brand that I never used before, so not that nice, but the other ones turned out good. (Why is this upside down 🤔, on my computer it’s right)
  13. Es werden immer beide geheizt, es wird auch immer der z-Offset der beiden gemessen, man könnte also z.B. auch nicht mit nur einem Core im Drucker drucken. Nach welchem Schema er die Temperaturen wählt, weiß ich aber nicht. Ich hab grad mal kurz ein Leveling manuell gestartet, da sieht es so aus: Core 1 ist ein AA 0.4 mit Generic PLA, Core 2 ist ein BB 0.4 ohne Material. Das Bett hat er auf 72°C geheizt, den Core 1 auf 200°C und Core 2 auf 215°C. Nach dem Z-Offset war ihm Core 2 egal, Core 1 hat er auf 175°C gehalten (wahrscheinlich die Standby-Temperatur vom Material?).
  14. Ob das so funktioniert wie du es versuchst weiß ich nicht (glaub eher nicht). Wähl einfach auf dem Drucker bei "Material 2" als Typ Breakaway aus damit er und Cura denken es wäre welches und pass die Temperaturen auf das an, mit dem dein PETG gut funktioniert. Prinzipiell kann der UM3 schon PETG (warum auch nicht), es gibt nur noch kein Profil dafür (ist aber wohl in Arbeit). BASF Ultrafuse PET gibt es auch im Marketplace für den UM3. Im Zweifelsfall fang einfach mit dem Generic CPE Profil an und guck dir mal an wie es druckt. Normalerweise muss man da echt nix machen außer Temperaturen anpassen.
  15. Klingt jetzt vielleicht ein bisschen nach Pfusch, aber ich hab es einfach als Breakaway-Support geladen und das Profil mit angepassten Temperaturen verwendet. Du solltest dir mit dem Material aber sicher sein, also erstmal ein paar Sachen damit drucken und schauen, wie es sich gut drucken lässt.
  16. I stumbled over this some time ago: https://learn.colorfabb.com/lets-make-something-clear/ But getting something really transparent will be difficult. Could be something like an acrylic sheet and just a printed mounting bracket an alternative? @geert_2 posted some transparent parts some time ago, maybe he can help you :).
  17. PETG als Support für PLA (und andersrum) geht super, hab ich auch schon ein paar mal gemacht. Für Nylon kann man z.B. auch gut PLA als Support nehmen. Den z-Abstand für Supports auf 0 Stellen nicht vergessen. Wenn du die Standby-Temperatur so weit runter stellst, muss deine Layer-Time aber echt lang sein, sonst erreicht der Core die garnicht bevor er wieder aufgeheizt wird. Colorfabb XT ist genau das gleiche Material wie Ultimaker CPE (zumindest nach den Werten in den Datenblättern), von daher würd ich dafür einfach das UM-Profil nehmen.
  18. Depending on how often you change the nozzle sizes (I’d find it a little annoying to constantly do this), you can also reprogram the core to a specific one. There is a nice instruction here (in general a very informative thread 😊)
  19. Cura somehow has another versioning-system, it asked me to update my S5 to firmware version 6.2.1 (it had already v6.3 installed) 🤔. The Printer itself showed the correct v6.4 and installed it.
  20. Just a guess but it looks like when you set a minimum layer time and that it should move away from the print when it can’t maintain the layertime at the minimum print speed. The settings are in the "cooling" tab.
  21. Die Frage ist nur ob das Autoleveling dann noch anständig funktioniert, wenn noch etwas Material an der Düse hängt, das er nicht plattdrücken kann, weil es zu kalt und hart ist 🤔. Das ist meine ich der Hauptgrund für das aufheizen, oder?
  22. Hello :), I noticed some strange artefacts on my prints that affect parts in a z-height where a solid top-layer occurs on another part of the print. I’m not sure whether I’m doing something wrong or it’s some kind of bug. There’s always a bump in features that continue in z-direction through an area where at another point at that height a top-layer is. I attached some pictures below because I’m not sure if you get what I’m trying to describe. I can’t spot these artefacts in the slice-preview, they do not depend on the printer (UM3 or S5), occur regardless what material I use (the pictures are PLA ones, the one printing is ABS). Also the Cura-version doesn’t matter (had this in all versions including the betas I used so far). I’m using the default profiles (Ultimaker PLA respectively Generic ABS with only adjusted temperatures). Also these bumps seems to be smaller the larger the feature is. I don’t have deeper knowledge of how Cura does things but I could imagine it does something with top-layers but applies it to the entire layer instead of just the part that actually is the top layer. Does anyone have suggestions what to change to get rid of these bumps?
  23. The last time I kind of actively followed an announcement was the aluminium build plate for the S5, and well...
  24. Hello 🙂 when will be more information (and pricing) on the announced PETG-material and the new printcores available? 🤔
  25. Oh you were very lucky, there are nightmare-pictures around here where this completely killed both cores and flooded the complete printhead (looking at that beautiful CC-Core). The most crucial thing is to get the part stuck down securely. I use almost always a brim (for small things that I can observe while they print usually not) and use mostly Dimafix glue.
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