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Everything posted by Smithy

  1. hmm, strange. I have the same versions, Cura 4.8 and macOS 11.0.1 I also tried now to remove the objects and load something else, but I can still select the model on move it around. Will try it the next days if I get maybe the same problem when I keep running Cura for a longer time, but currently I cannot reproduce it. But I can remember we had a similar problem in the past. Cannot remember with which version, maybe it was when 4.0 was released and it was then fixed with the next version or so. Do you use something special, like a 3DConnexion Cad mouse or something like that?
  2. I have no problems on an iMac and MacBook Pro both with Big Sur. I can select and move the object as before. So the question is now, what is the difference between my and your installations?
  3. Be careful or keep in mind that a post processing script remains until you remove it again with the screen above. So don't forget otherwise you have it on every print job.
  4. No need to develop something, there is already a ChangeAtZ script: But I haven't tried it myself, but give it a try.
  5. You are right, the STL exists for this part, but as far as I know there is no public download link. So please ask your reseller, he should be able to provide you the link or STL file.
  6. Ich denke auch dass es der bessere Weg ist. Langfristig wird es dir der Drucker danken.
  7. The UM2 firmware wasn't updated for a long time, I would say the latest is 3 years old or so. The Firmware is bundled with Cura so when you connect the printer via USB you can update it, no need to download it first.
  8. Thanks for the feedback and glad that you are back in business 😀
  9. You can also try to find a profile which is similar to your printer and just modify the parts that are different.
  10. Aber warum willst du das tun und eventuell ein schlechteres Druckergebnis in Kauf nehmen. Der BB ist dafür nicht vorgesehen. Und Nachtropfen heißt ja nicht nach dem Druck sondern auch während. D.h bei Retracts etc. kann es dir passieren dass du irgendwo einen Blob bekommst wo er nicht hingehört.
  11. Die haben ein ziemlich teures Konzept dahinter, geht anscheinend nach Druckstunden.
  12. Best is to apply some glue on the glass and then distribute it with a wet tissue. Then you get a thin even layer of glue on the whole glass which gives a good adhesion.
  13. Ahh ok, so you have a presliced gcode of an object but want to make that object bigger, right? hmm, I don't think it is possible.
  14. You can look at the post processing scripts in Cura, maybe that helps.
  15. If your printer is not in the list of printers, you can use the custom printer and configure it yourself. Or ask the vendor of the printer if they can provide a printer profile for Cura.
  16. Yes it is just a textfile, so load it in your editor of choice.
  17. I don't use the spiralize feature often, but I have never seen a seem if I remember correctly. When I print a vase for example, there is no seam. So it is strange, your picture looks like you are printing not in the spiralized mode, but I believe you do so.
  18. Ein guter Startpunkt ist hier, da findest du alle Files und was du installieren musst um die Firmware zu kompilieren: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2Marlin In der Datei configuration.h findest du dann diese Zeile: #define HEATER_0_MAXTEMP 275 Aber prinzipiell hat es schon einen Sinn, dass die Temperatur begrenzt ist, weil der PTFE Coupler das nicht mehr aushält. Sind die 275 meiner Meinung nach schon mehr als grenzwertig, wobei ich immer noch die 260° als Limit im Kopf habe. Wie auch immer, seid euch im klaren, dass der Drucker schlichtweg für so hohe Temperaturen nicht gebaut ist, Probleme sind also vorprogrammiert.
  19. Every printer is different and has different tolerances. Use a negative value for horizontal expansion, print slower, cooler and you will have success.
  20. And what's the advantage to just load external STLs?
  21. Stell den Combing Modus auf "not in skin" (im englischen) damit vermeidest du die sichtbaren Linien auf der Oberfläche.
  22. Das Limit ist in der Firmware, d.h. du musst dir eine eigene Version kompilieren und installieren.
  23. Combing not in skin hast du eingestellt? Sorry weiß nicht wie das im deutschen Cura heißt.
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